Dr. Mani Bhaumik, co-inventor of the technology that lead to Lasik surgery, experienced a spiritual rebirth born of 'an absence of want, a compulsive consumption - a queasy feeling of being overfed and undernourished at the same time.'
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Mani Bhaumik, PhD, has written a memoir called "Code Name God: The Spiritual Odyssey of a Man of Science." In 218 pages, he has also presented social commentary set in recent history and present day; a juxtaposition of world religions; a lay-person's science textbook; and a case for healing the cosmic wound by re-uniting science and spirituality.
Bhaumik was born in Bengal, India in the midst of the struggle for Indian independence.
Thousands of times a year, a single cell extraction from an embryo is performed to screen for genetic diseases. As of January 2008, the cell could be allowed to divide and the copy used for research without harm to the embryo.
Current federal funding is prohibited for experiments that injure or destroy human embryonic stem cells and is limited to cells extracted before President Bush's declaration of August 9, 2001. Meanwhile, four hundred thousand embryos are sitting in clinics waiting to be implanted in the mother's womb or to be discarded – a practice of which no one has raised a disapproving eyebrow.
However, rapid advances in stem cell extraction methodology are quickly laying ethical issues to rest. As of January, 2008, stem cell research has laid a golden egg. Thousands of times a year a single cell is taken from an embryo to screen for genetic diseases. Advanced Cell Technology now has the capability to allow the cell to divide in a laboratory dish and use the copy for stem cells.