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What's It Like For A Working Scientist To Write A Novel?

In an essay for The New York Times, (September 28, 2002) Joseph Epstein wrote: "According to a...

Mystery Explosion

I was impressed by the extensive damage done to an Indiana home and surrounding structures a few...

Origin Of Life Funding: Benefactor Offers Hard Cash For A Good Research Idea

Harry Lonsdale called me out of the blue last year,saying that he would be passing through Santa...

So You Want To Write A Book?

A few Science 2.0 readers may recall that I tried out some ideas for a book here in 2009, and the...

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My research focuses on a variety of topics related to membrane biophysics, including the origin of cell membranes and the use of transmembrane nanopores to analyze nucleic acids. Over the past

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    One of the earliest scientific speculations about the origin of life was Alexander Oparin’s proposal in 1924 that life began as jelly-like blobs he called coacervates. Oparin knew that the unit of life was the cell, but it had not yet been established that cells had membranous boundaries,  so coacervates were thought to be reasonable experimental models of the “protoplasm” that seemed to compose all cells.  Oparin also discussed conditions on the early Earth as part of the story, setting the stage for what would later become astrobiology.

How did life begin, anyway?

     I am a research professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and over the past 30 years my students and I have been working to understand how cellular life arose. The unit of all life today is the cell, a molecular system of functional polymers (proteins and nucleic acids) that is bounded by a membrane composed of lipid.