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The Food Waste Solution That You Might Not Know You Are Using

Do you buy bagged bread in the grocery store?  There are usually several options including...

Nature: The Original Chemist

We frequently see a contrast drawn between what is “natural” and what is “chemical.” Sometimes...

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Trained as a plant pathologist (Ph.D. UC Davis 1982), I've worked now for >30 years in many aspects of agricultural technology (Colorado State Univ., DuPont, Mycogen, independent consultant).... Read More »


This warning in the London "Tube" could apply to organic farming

A deadline passed on Oct. 3 for countries in the EU to opt out of future "GMO Crop" planting approvals.

A scientist named Kevin Folta at the University of Florida has been one of a broader group of public researchers who have come under hostile, Freedom Of Information Act scrutiny with the goal of demonstrating “ties to industry.” 

I’m generally optimistic about the ability of the world’s farmers to continue to feed the growing population, and also to satisfy the increased food demand of the growing middle class in previously poor countries. That hope is based on the amazing track record of innovation by farmers and their technological supporters that I have witnessed over the past four decades. I do, however, have some significant concerns about trends and factors that may compromise the farming enterprise over the next critical decades.
Corn infected by the fungus Aspergillus which can produce aflatoxin (Iowa State IPM)