Getting To The Heart Of The...
The Thorny Problem Of COVID-19 Vaccines And Spike...
Does Learning A Foreign Language Stimulate Cerebral...
A Million-Year-Old Mammoth May Hold The Key To...
First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters
Even for a physicist, this is bad: Larry Moran, in preparation for the appropriate dose of ridicule that this situation deserves, quotes physicist and pop-science author Paul Davies: Another physical object with enormous longevity is DNA. Our bodies contain some genes that have remained little changed in 100 million>
In only a few weeks, a shift in the world’s disposition caused the human race to fall flat on its face. An unswerving virus named SARS-CoV-2 crippled the 21st century’s roaring socioeconomic infrastructure, creating a doomsday scenario. The resulting disease, COVID-19, led to renewed concern about the ‘palpable>
To be specific, the Humboldt squid are back in California. Their opening act was a mass stranding on Black's Beach in San Diego last Saturday. A lifeguard had the most poetic commentary on the matter:"Of course, as you might imagine, there were some odors associated with that," he said. "The only thing left on the>
Schizophrenia emerges from an altered pattern of brain development and researchers have long searched for genes that cause the brain to develop along a path that ultimately leads to schizophrenia. In a new Biological Psychiatry article, researchers report their findings on a new genetic link to schizophrenia. >