Late-Breaking Analysis In Hypertension Shows That Antihypertensive Treatments Differ In Their Ability To Preserve Lives

STOCKHOLM, August 30, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the results of a late-breaking analysis...

Clinical Results For New Treatment Of Bacterial Vaginosis Infection

The Swedish company Laccure AB recently got CE marking as a Class IIa medical device product for...

88 Percent Of UK Doctors Believe Whiplash Claims Are Exaggerated

AXA, a UK car insurer, has surveyed UK doctors as part of its ongoing campaign to understand the...

On Facebook, Women Are More Plentiful But Men Are Better Ad Targets

Global digital marketing companies Resolution Media and Kenshoo Social published a new report today...

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SAN FRANCISCO and LONDON, January 8 /PRNewswire/ --

- New strategic alliance with mosaic Global Executive Search to enhance search capabilities in Europe, Asia and Asia Pacific

The Cleantech Group(TM) today announced a strategic partnership between its executive search business, Cleantech Search(TM), and mosaic Global Executive Search.

The alliance will enable Cleantech Search to expand its executive search capabilities to international markets and leverage mosaic's global network, which includes Gillamor Stephens in Europe, Braithwaite Steiner Pretty in Asia Pacific as well as Mainstay Partners of Boston and LGES of San Francisco in the US.

DENVER, January 8 /PRNewswire/ --

Medical Simulation Corporation (MSC) announces the opening of a SimSuite center in Germany. MSC has entered into an agreement with CardioSkills Company, headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. MSC and the CardioSkills team have partnered to provide an interventional skills training experience for physicians and their staff through the use of simulation education. Training experiences range from basic to complex procedures.

"MSC and CardioSkills -- that's professionalism meeting professionalism and the result is a new definition of quality and a new standard in medical education and simulation," said Dr. Erhard Kaiser, Founder of CardioSkills.

MANCHESTER, Connecticut, January 8 /PRNewswire/ --

Vgo Software, Inc., a leading provider of software modernization solutions, today announces Futech, a professional software services firm, as a certified Vgo implementation partner and reseller of its Oracle Forms to Java/ADF conversion tool in the Middle East.

Futech will utilize Vgo's conversion tool, Evo(TM), to perform these conversions for the Middle Eastern Forms-user community in what will be called the MAGEC (Modernization and Automated Generation of Enhanced Code) model.

REDWOOD CITY, California, January 8 /PRNewswire/ --

Ingenuity Systems, the leading provider of information solutions to help life science researchers generate insights from biological and chemical information, is pleased to announce that the Pritzker Neuropsychiatric Disorders Research Consortium (PNDRC) has renewed and expanded its licensing agreement for access to the Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) software application, assisting the PNDRC's efforts to understand neuropsychiatric disorders. Consortium members will utilize the newest release of IPA to illustrate significant differences in gene expression and to determine impact in neuronal pathways, circuits, and target systems.

LEEDS, England, January 8 /PRNewswire/ -- World-leading pallet and container pooling company CHEP has awarded Masternaut a GBP 300,000 contract to supply its satellite tracking service for a major pilot programme based in the UK. There is potential to install 1000 articulated vehicles with mobile collection units giving CHEP a comprehensive real-time view of its European fleet using the innovative Masternaut web-based satellite-tracking service.

HYDERABAD, India, January 8 /PRNewswire/ --

- Will Provide FETAC Multi-Tiered Solution Featuring Lombardi's Business Process Management (BPM) Suite

- Satyam's Valuable BPM Expertise Will Enable Rapid Implementation

Satyam Computer Services Ltd. (NYSE:SAY), a leading global consulting and IT services provider, announced today that it has been awarded a major contract with Ireland's Further Education Training and Awards Council (FETAC.) Under the contract, Satyam will drive FETAC's implementation of Enterprise-Class BPM solutions for its core business processes.