Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #4

Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #4 If not Latin, then what? Please see the links at...

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #3

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #3 Plants and the moon. For thousands of years, people...

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #2

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #2 An i for an i ? Not nymphs: women! There are...

Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #1

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #1 Tom, Dick and Harry explain a statistical method. ...

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Patrick LockerbyRSS Feed of this column.

Retired engineer, 73 years young. Computer builder and programmer. Linguist specialising in language acquisition and computational linguistics. Interested in every human endeavour except the scrooge... Read More »

Print Your Own Universe

There is a great educational resource available on the web: card models.

I remember first1 making such models as a small child.  I can say from memory that folding paper and card in three dimensions is a great way to get an intuitive feel for three dimensional geometry.

The great thing about making models as a child is that you don't realise just how much science you are learning.  With guidance from a good teacher, small children can learn a lot about the universe just from making models.

What causes earthquakes?

What's inside a volcano?
MODIS Rapidfire For Citizen Scientists - #3

This is part #3 of a brief explanation of the NASA/GSFC MODIS Rapid Response System - Rapidfire - together with a Howto for citizen scientists.  The first parts were -
MODIS Rapidfire For Citizen Scientists - #1
MODIS Rapidfire For Citizen Scientists - #2

In this part, I'll show you some more tips on using the Arctic mosaic and images from the various bands available.

Pinpointing the North Pole
BP's Tried And Tested Failures

If you have a problem which has been attacked before, you don't try failed methods again unless your name is Homer Simpson - or you are too young to remember the event.

The methods tried by BP in the Gulf of Mexico have been tried before.  They have failed before.  In the Gulf of Mexico.  At 18,000 feet, the same depth as the Deepwater Horizon well.

When Art Meets War

If you want to make a good historical movie you should find yourself a good historian.

If one of the characters is a singer, make sure they sing in a contemporary style.

Now add in a stirring contemporary theme tune and you may well have a blockbuster.

A war movie which misses an opportunity to show the realities of war is just so much blood and guts.  The realities of war are not just the horrors of bloodshed.  There are realities of psychology, physics and philosophy: of human interactions, of weaponry and of theories of war.
A Message From Nigeria Ghana.

From the office of the Manager;

Attn: [ insert name from recently purchased list of 10,000,000 email addresses ],

According to our records here, A deposit was made in our bank here in Ghana,
You are meant to be the rightful fraud victim beneficiary of the deposited amount of
$1,260,341.00(USD) which includes accrued interest over the period of

You are required by the funds investigation Unit of the Barclays Bank Ghana
to immediately confirm to this email, to be able to receive your funds
MODIS Rapidfire For Citizen Scientists - #2

This is part #2 of a brief explanation of the NASA/GSFC MODIS Rapid Response System - Rapidfire - together with a Howto for citizen scientists.  The first part was -
MODIS Rapidfire For Citizen Scientists - #1

A note on bookmarks