Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #4

Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #4 If not Latin, then what? Please see the links at...

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #3

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #3 Plants and the moon. For thousands of years, people...

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #2

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #2 An i for an i ? Not nymphs: women! There are...

Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #1

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #1 Tom, Dick and Harry explain a statistical method. ...

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Patrick LockerbyRSS Feed of this column.

Retired engineer, 73 years young. Computer builder and programmer. Linguist specialising in language acquisition and computational linguistics. Interested in every human endeavour except the scrooge... Read More »

New Missing Link - Or Maybe Not

The recent suggestion that Australopithecus Sediba is an intermediate species has aroused controversy.

The following extracts are from naturenews.

Claim over 'human ancestor' sparks furore

Researchers dispute that hominin fossil is a new species.

Michael Cherry
Arctic Ice 2010 #3 - The State Of The Ice

Arctic Ice 2010 - a short series of articles.

The first part - Arctic Ice 2010 #1 - The Nature Of Sea Ice was an introduction to the behaviour of Arctic sea ice.

The second part Arctic Ice 2010 #2 - What People Are Saying discussed current media and blog reports about the state of the Arctic.

This third part describes the state of the Arctic ice as of April 2010.

Arctic Ice 2010 #2 - What People Are Saying

Arctic Ice 2010 - a short series of articles.

The first part - Arctic Ice 2010 #1 - The Nature Of Sea Ice was an introduction to the behaviour of Arctic sea ice.

This second part will discuss current media and blog reports about the state of the Arctic.

The third part will describe the state of the Arctic ice as of April 2010.

Polar ice basics
Arctic Ice 2010 #1 - The Nature Of Sea Ice

Arctic Ice 2010 - a short series of articles.

This first part is an introduction to the behaviour of Arctic sea ice.

The second part will discuss current reports about the state of the Arctic.

The third part will describe the state of the Arctic ice as of April 2010.

In order to understand the current state of Arctic sea ice it is necessary to know if it is in any way 'normal' or 'abnormal'.  In this first article I give some historical and scientific notes to show what has been observed historically.

Exploration and discovery
A New Round Of Controversy

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The Unscientists 2010 awards

Shamelessly stealing the Festival Of Idiots central theme and with no proper credit given to its originator, The Rugbyologist, the Chatter Box proudly announces

The Unscientists 2010 Awards

The rules, hereinafter known as 'the rules':

Now be it known that: