
Good News For Dieters- Center For Self Control In The Brain Identified

When you're on a diet, deciding to skip your favorite calorie-laden foods and eat something healthier takes a whole lot of self-control--an ability that seems to come easier to some of us than others. Now, scientists from the California Institute of T ...

Article - News Staff - May 8 2009 - 12:44pm

Can You Inherit Happiness? Endorphins And The Biochemistry Of Inheritance

As if you need another reason for parental guilt, a new article in Bioscience Hypotheses speculates that our feelings could impact our reproduction and affect our children. Dr Alberto Halabe Bucay of Research Center Halabe and Darwich, Mexico, suggests tha ...

Article - News Staff - May 14 2009 - 12:42pm

This Is Your Brain On Art

Have you ever thought about what's going on in your brain when you look at a painting that you like a lot?  While Neuroscientist Dr. Edward Vessel has and he's done brain imaging experiments to figure it out. What happens in your brain when you h ...

Article - Kathy Murphy - May 15 2009 - 9:09pm

Wistful Monkeys Do Woulda Coulda Shoulda Too

Monkeys playing a game similar to "Let's Make A Deal" have revealed that their brains register missed opportunities and learn from their mistakes.  The researchers watched individual neurons in a region of the brain called the anterior cingu ...

Article - News Staff - May 14 2009 - 8:59pm

Sonic Hedgehog Pathway In Brain Neural Circuit Formation

The research group of Dr. Frédéric Charron, a researcher at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM), has made a discovery which could help treat spinal cord injuries and neurodegenerative diseases. This new finding has been published in the ...

Article - News Staff - May 15 2009 - 1:45pm

A 'People Person' And You Like Sex? Thank Your Orbitofrontal Cortex

Cambridge University researchers have discovered that whether someone is a 'people-person' may depend on the structure of their brain: the greater the concentration of brain tissue in certain parts of the brain, the more likely they are to be a w ...

Article - News Staff - May 20 2009 - 1:34pm

Neural Mechanisms Of Strategic Decision Making

A new study demonstrates that when faced with a difficult decision, the human brain calls upon multiple neural systems that code for different sorts of behaviors and strategies. The research in the May 28th issue of Neuron provides intriguing insight into ...

Article - News Staff - May 27 2009 - 11:42am

Our Neurons Are Bombarded With Messages- Here's How We Focus To Hear The Chorus Over The Noise

Even if we don't always notice, our brain is constantly distracted with 'noise'- unimportant messages that are filtered out.    When we pay attention, our neurons begin firing in harmony and a study in the May 29 issue of Science lays out wh ...

Article - News Staff - May 28 2009 - 10:42pm

Stick It In Your Ear!

Stick It In Your Ear! People's reports of inner mental processes are not considered to be reliable enough to validate theories.  (Some would say formulate, even.)  Such reports are only accepted in general, as when a medicine is reported by a patient ...

Blog Post - Patrick Lockerby - May 29 2009 - 4:44pm

A Progesterone Reason Gossip Is Good For You

Harmless gossip with a girlfriend can do wonders for a woman's mood and a University of Michigan study says they have an answer why: feeling emotionally close to a friend increases levels of the hormone progesterone, helping to boost well-being and re ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 2 2009 - 4:39pm