
Art And Artificial Intelligence: An Odd Couple?

This past Thursday I held a public lecture, together with my long-time friend Ivan Bianchi, on the topic of Art and Artificial Intelligence. The event was organized by the "Galileo Festival" in Padova, for the Week of Innovation. Ivan is a profes ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Oct 16 2021 - 5:28am

MicroBooNE Finds No Hint Of Sterile Neutrino. Science Advances By What We Do Not Find Too.

M icroBooNE did not find the sterile neutrino which it was designed to instead it found the absence of the sterile neutrino. That too is finding something. In fundamental research sciences we learn both by what we find and do not find. To make a predictio ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Oct 27 2021 - 10:28pm

A Few Lectures You May Want To Attend To

In the next few days I have a busy schedule with a few lectures gravitating around the use of deep learning technologies for fundamental physics research. This is of course no news, but I thought that my blog is the proper place to list a few pointers, in ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Nov 2 2021 - 3:54am

Searching In The Dark: Unsupervised Learning Meets Fundamental Science

The title of this post is the same of a non-technical presentation I gave today at the 2021 USERN Congress. The USERN (Universal Scientific and Education Research Network) is an organization fostering the diffusion of science, which provides prizes to rese ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Nov 6 2021 - 9:57am

Gravitational Waves In 3D, Thoughts On Visualization Of A Fundamentally Different Astronomical Messenger.

O ne of the strongest results that Astronomy can produce is an image, a picture of a distant natural event we would never otherwise know about. Gravitational wave astronomy, however, focuses on just detecting gravitational waves. Each detector, which must ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Nov 19 2021 - 1:56pm

One More Episode In The Dark Matter Search Saga

Do you remember the DAMA-LIBRA experiment? It is a underground detector made of sodium iodide crystals buried under the rock of the Gran Sasso mountain in central Italy, which took data for over a decade in the search of the elusive signal that slowly-movi ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Nov 23 2021 - 6:39pm

Correlation, Causation, Independence

This is a post about basics. That's because I think a point needs to be made which is surprisingly not as well-known as its elementary nature would have you guess. Correlation-in its most used version, due to Pearson- is a measure of how two quantitie ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Dec 9 2021 - 1:22pm

Photons And Neutral Pions

A bit over a half into my course of particle physics for Masters students in Statistical Sciences I usually find myself describing the CMS detector in some detail, and that is what happened last week.   The course My course has a duration of 64 hours, and ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Dec 12 2021 - 1:22pm

Radiation Zero

Interference is a fascinating effect, and one which can be observed in a wide variety of physical systems- any system that involves the propagation of waves from different sources. We can observe interference between waves in the sea or in a lake, or even ...

Article - Tommaso Dorigo - Dec 16 2021 - 8:48am

Veritasium Is Wrong. The Energy Probably Flows Through The Wires. Quantum Field Theory Says So.

A  couple of weeks ago Derrick Muller of the YouTube Channel Veritasium made a video asserting that the electrical energy in a circuit does not flow through the wires but through the fields. This is true and yet also a misleading misconception. This misco ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Dec 16 2021 - 6:50pm