
Thinking Abstractly Helps Us Achieve Our Goals

People who focus too much on how they will achieve a goal are more likely to fail than individuals who think abstractly about why they want to do something. Researchers from The University of Delaware and the University of Florida found this to be case amo ...

Article - News Staff - May 18 2010 - 1:57pm

Explaining The Link Between Creativity And Mental Health

By studying receptors in the brain, researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institute have managed to show that the dopamine system in healthy, highly creative people is similar in some respects to that seen in people with schizophrenia. H ...

Article - News Staff - May 18 2010 - 5:42pm

No Real Difference In Divorce Rate For Families With Children On The Autism Spectrum


Article - Kim Wombles - May 20 2010 - 11:16am

Autistic Regression, Cognitive Impairment And Severity Of Impairment: Real Numbers

There's a tremendous amount of research literature that does not make it into public consumption. Coupling this lack of trickle down with a voracious need to feel certainty where none may exist, many parents faced with an autism diagnosis will gravita ...

Article - Kim Wombles - May 20 2010 - 11:43am

Another Look at Intelligence and Autism

One of the things that gets bandied about with regular frequency is the proportion of severely impaired individuals on the spectrum and the accompanying rates of ID. ...

Blog Post - Kim Wombles - May 20 2010 - 12:15pm

What Can We Really Know About Authors' Personalities From Their Works?

Dr. Raymond Mar, of On Fiction: An Online Magazine on the Psychology of Fiction, published a research bulletin the other day summarizing a psychological study whose results apparently suggest that, in the words of the blog headline, “words reveal the perso ...

Article - Yago Colás - May 20 2010 - 3:43pm

SQTs: Lilienfeld (2005) Looks at Dubious Autism Treatments


Blog Post - Kim Wombles - May 20 2010 - 3:52pm

Facilitated Communication: A Literature Review

“The false and exaggerated claims associated with  facilitated   communication  have been exposed.” (Miles and Simpson, 1996) ...

Blog Post - Kim Wombles - Jul 2 2011 - 8:42am

Why Rapid Prompting Method Still Doesn’t Pass the Evidence-Based Test

About six weeks ago I wrote the following post on Rapid Prompting Method (edited for this current piece); it garnered a lot of attention from avid parent supporters and from the inventor of the method herself. There was a fair amount of conjecture that RP ...

Blog Post - Kim Wombles - Jun 6 2012 - 10:30am

The Selling Of Worms As A Treatment For Autism: Wormy Woo

One of the worst things I see on the internet, as both a parent of children on the spectrum and as scientifically-based, rational person who works hard to instruct my students in critical thinking skills and being able to detect pseudoscience, is the woo t ...

Article - Kim Wombles - Apr 20 2012 - 10:08am