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Tracking Particles With Neuromorphic Computing

At the IV Workshop in Valencia a student from my group, Emanuele Coradin, presented the results...

K0 Regeneration

Last week I got to the part of my course in Subnuclear Physics for Statisticians (yes, there is...

And The USERN Prize Winners For 2024 Are....

USERN (Universal Scientific Education and Research Network, https://usern.org) is a non-profit...

Flying Drones With Particle Detectors

Nowadays we study the Universe using a number of probes and techniques. Over the course of the...

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Tommaso DorigoRSS Feed of this column.

Tommaso Dorigo is an experimental particle physicist, who works for the INFN at the University of Padova, and collaborates with the CMS and the SWGO experiments. He is the president of the Read More »

This short post is my first contribution to ScientificBlogging: with it I am relocating my blog here from wordpress. I am thrilled by the opportunity to join a larger group of excellent science writers, and possibly reach a larger audience interested in particle physics and in my other occasional discussions of chess, politics, astronomy, astrophysics, or the personal notes I sometimes choose  to dump here.