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Epidemiologists Blame 15th Century Science For Modern Brain Tumors

Claims about occupational hazards, chemicals correlated to disease, occur every week, from non...

The Sexual Evolution - Gender And Nature May Be More Complex Than You Believe

I have a trans flag flying from my house but I completely understand concerns by women that they're...

Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA) Vaccine Shows Promise For Pancreatic Cancer

Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a molecule that provides blueprints for cells to make a protein...

Trump Administration Authorizes $100 Million For New Vaccine Research

In its second year, Avian Influenza has wrecked the U.S. poultry industry and caused egg prices...

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I founded Science 2.0® in 2006 and since then it has become the world's largest independent science communications site, with over 300,000,000 direct readers and reach approaching one billion. Read More »


When white Americans were asked in a new study to pick a dollar amount they would have to be paid to live the rest of their lives as a black person, most requested less than $10,000. A minor thing.

In contrast, study participants said they would have to be paid about $1 million to give up television for the rest of their lives.

This would seem to state that white people don't think being black is such a big deal in 2007. Not the case at all, says Philip Mazzocco, co-author of a new study study and assistant professor of psychology at Ohio State University's Mansfield campus. Instead, he says the results suggest most white Americans don't truly comprehend the persisting racial disparities in our country.

This is a test of out mini-blog functionality. This is so you can share quick links you found, blog pieces and thoughts that don't merit full articles.

ScientificBlogging.com Featured Columnist Jane Poynter has written a book, The Human Experiment: Two Years and Twenty Minutes Inside Biosphere 2 , discussing her experiences inside the legendary long-term science experiment.

Why do some online communities succeed, like Second Life, Facebook and, well, this one, and some fail?

The answer may be in what their communities think about 'giving' and it can tell us a lot about people in general.

Everyone does something on social sites for a reason. People like to 'get paid' even if that doesn't mean money. It is why people submit articles to Digg - submitters get the satisfaction of knowing they brought an interesting article to people that they may not have found themselves.