Autism: Does Increased Parental Age Mean Increased Risk?

The possibility that autism is more common in offspring of older parents has generated considerable...

Investigating The Many Different Types Of Autism

Anyone who has worked with children with autism knows that, based on symptoms alone, this disorder...

Autism Basic Science And Intervention Through Art

Blythe Corbett’s insights may be unique among researchers developing new interventions for children...

Social Skills Training For Youth With Autism Spectrum Disorders

About a dozen teens with social-communication disorders sit in a tight circle, cradled in couches...

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I'm a mother of three, with an aeronautical engineering degree.  Although it's been a while since I've done any aircraft design, there are surprising applications of

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Daniel Bernoulli was never a mom. He might have been a father, a fantastic one at that, I don't actually know. But that's not why I know of him. Bernoulli was a mathematician and scientist from the 1700's, and I was introduced to him during my fluid dynamics class in college.