- An Origin Of Species Independent Of Geographical Isolation?
... region, there still remain two views of the process of 'speciation', the evolutionary process by which new biological species arise. ... a new study published in Nature titled "Global patterns of speciation and diversity," Les Kaufman, Boston University professor of ...
Article - News Staff - Jul 2 2011 - 9:51am - 0 attachments
- Evolution's Most Important Molecular Inventions
Most people probably think of change when they hear the word evolution, but some of evolution's most amazing molecular inventions have stuck around hundreds of millions, even billions of years. The complex protein machinery needed to express genes, meta ...
Article - Michael White - Aug 27 2008 - 6:55pm - 1 attachment
- Gradual Evolution Not Supported By Geological History, Says Geologist
... Rampino contends a modern punctuated view of evolution and speciation is much more in line with Matthew's episodic catastrophism than ...
Article - News Staff - Nov 9 2010 - 1:37pm - 0 attachments
- The Jacuzzification Of Evolution
“Come on into the hot tub,” I told my three year old boy. But he wouldn’t budge. No way was he joining his older sister in there. “It’s warm, and it feels nice!” I urged, “There’s nothing to be afraid of.” But it was only when I turned off the jets that I ...
Article - Mark Changizi - Nov 23 2009 - 5:04pm - 0 attachments
- Problems of Transhumanism - Augmenting Intelligence
One of the favorite themes in transhumanist discussions is considering the melding of human intellect with "machine intelligence" to arrive at superhuman abilities. Right from the beginning we have a few problems. We don't really know what ...
Blog Post - Gerhard Adam - Sep 5 2009 - 3:01pm - 0 attachments
- Cultural Anthropologist Erickson going after Pinker's "The Blank Slate," and biological explanations of culture in toto
From Neuroanthropology blog Review article Tunnel vision Pinker, Steven. 2002. The blank slate: the modern denial of human nature. London: Penguin. 509 pp. The gap ...
Blog Post - Ken Myron - Nov 11 2010 - 10:45am - 0 attachments
- Lynn Margulis, Neo-Darwinism, And Kin Selection
Professor Lynn Margulis is the biologist who had the incredible insight that the cells of modern organisms were originally formed by the symbiotic combination of prokaryotic cells and colonies of bacteria, and then had to battle for years to have this rec ...
Article - Steve Davis - Mar 20 2009 - 9:23am - 0 attachments
- What's The Matter With Texas? Creationism On Its Way Back
Is the State of Texas about to offer Master of Science degrees in creationism? The Institute for Creation Research (ICR), an organization that officially believes the earth sprang into existence less than 10,000 years ago, has applied to offer a state-app ...
Article - Michael White - Dec 21 2007 - 9:39pm - 0 attachments
- “Is Evolution Fast Enough?” How I Responded
I receive a lot of inquisitive emails from intelligent laymen, and today I received a nice one that asked, in so many words, “Is natural selection fast enough to explain the complex biology we find in our world?” My knee-jerk response was to say, “Well ...
Article - Mark Changizi - Oct 16 2009 - 3:38pm - 0 attachments
- The Singularity Stole My ATM Card
The difficult thing about popularizing movements is that, in the beginning, you want recognition but as time goes on the interests of the movement may be divergent from the people involved in it. So it goes with the singularity. In 1993, Vernor Ving ...
Article - Hank Campbell - Aug 15 2010 - 3:56pm - 0 attachments