- Apple Vulnerabilities, Incomplete Fixes Allow IOS 7.1.2 Jailbreak
Security researchers at the Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC) have discovered a way to jailbreak current generation Apple iOS devices (e.g., iPhones and iPads) running the latest iOS software. The jailbreak, which enables circumvention of A ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 1 2014 - 9:51am
- How To Implant An Artificial Heart- Instructions
There's a little bit of MacGyver in all of us so even if it's unlikely to come up in our day-to-day lives, it would be nice to know how to do an artificial heart transplant in case it becomes really, really necessary, like you need to save a thir ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 3 2014 - 9:35am
- Nonmonotonic Status Effects Will Impact Science 2.0 Uptake
Why are scientists at the apex of their careers least likely to adopt new technology? The quick answer is obvious, they got to where they are doing things their way and there is no reason to fix something unbroken. Younger scientists don't have much ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 4 2014 - 1:21pm
- Backscatter Tech: No-Electricity Wi-Fi Uses Radio Waves For Energy
This not-so-distant "Internet of Things" will extend connectivity to billions of devices. Sensors could be embedded in everyday objects to help monitor and track everything from the structural safety of bridges to the health of your heart. But h ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 4 2014 - 1:07pm
- You Have To See It To Believe It: Now You Can Edit In 3-D
People routinely edit photos, to take out red eyes or knock five percent of the width off of their bodies- but soon editors will have an extra dimension to work with. People will be able to turn or flip objects any way they want, even exposing surfaces no ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 13 2014 - 10:38pm
- Fiber-Based Fluidic Devices: Butterflies Could Hold Key To Probes That Repair Genes
New discoveries about how butterflies feed could help engineers develop tiny probes that siphon liquid out of single cells for a wide range of medical tests and treatments. The research has brought together Clemson's materials scientists and biologis ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 9 2014 - 9:56pm
- Deeper Melanoma Imaging Using A Hand Scanner Will Mean Faster Treatment
A new hand-held device uses lasers and sound waves to accurately measure how deep a melanoma tumor extends into the skin, providing valuable information for treatment, diagnosis or prognosis. ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 9 2014 - 11:00am
- Scientists In Both Parties Agree, There Are Some Illegal Aliens We Want To Keep Out
In order to keep outwanted immigrants, the United States Department of Agriculture and California Department of Food and Agriculture joined efforts and built an online tool for identification - of alien and potentially invasive species from all over the w ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 6 2014 - 12:35pm
- Science 2.0 And Learning Dimension Distributions: Using Bayes To Rank The Quality Of Wikipedia
Wikipedia is a free, online, user-generated database of articles on topics and people. Because of its popularity, it has become the default first link in Google search, which means it is frequently read and cited, making it even more authoritative in Goog ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 6 2014 - 2:18pm
- Nasal Brush Test For Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
A nasal brush test can rapidly and accurately diagnose Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), an incurable and ultimately fatal neurodegenerative disorder. Up to now, a definitive CJD diagnosis requires testing brain tissue obtained after death or by biopsy in ...
Article - News Staff - Aug 7 2014 - 10:01am