
Oil Paintings In Buddhist Caves Predates European Discovery Of The Technique By Hundreds Of Years

In 2001, religious fundamentalists destroyed two colossal, ancient Buddha statues in the Afghan region of Bamiyan. Behind those statues, there are caves decorated with artwork dating from the 5th to 9th centuries A.D and those also suffered from the destru ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 22 2008 - 8:47am

Can Virtual Reality Help With Alcoholism?

Patients in therapy to overcome addictions have a new arena to test their coping skills — the virtual world. A new study by University of Houston Associate Professor Patrick Bordnick says that a virtual reality (VR) environment can provide the climate nece ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 28 2008 - 6:17pm

TC-Star Project Makes Progress Toward A "Babel Fish"- True Universal Language Translation

If you've ever used an internet translation tool, you know how immature the translation technology is compared to other sorts of computer programs. Punctuation errors, misplaced words and grammatical mistakes can make them almost unintelligible. Verba ...

Article - News Staff - May 3 2008 - 1:08am

We Americans Like Speed, So Let Us Have It!

There was a recent study that provided a revised view of the Internet Structure in the U.S. The Global information Technology Report was released a few weeks ago. The study was done by Insead, the French business school, on behalf of the World Economic For ...

Article - David Houle - May 7 2008 - 1:16am

SPARK- Robot Software Based On Bugs

Insects have provided the inspiration for a team of European researchers seeking to improve the functionality of robots and robotic tools. The research furthers the development of more intelligent robots, which can then be used by industry, and by emergenc ...

Article - News Staff - May 11 2008 - 11:24pm

TXTING COSTS R $£&+%$*&!- Yes, It Costs More To Text Your Friends Than To Get Data From Hubble

A University of Leicester space scientist has worked out that sending texts via mobile phones works out to be far more expensive than downloading data from the Hubble Space Telescope. Dr. Nigel Bannister’s calculations were used for the Channel 4 Dispatche ...

Article - News Staff - May 12 2008 - 6:04pm

Laser Satellites 100X The Data Rate Of Their Radio Brethren

Satellites currently use radio waves to exchange data. Now the data rate has been increased a hundredfold in two test satellites by using lasers instead of radio signals. The tests between German satellite TerraSAR-X and US satellite NFIRE, covering more t ...

Article - News Staff - May 13 2008 - 9:52am

Space Technology Gets Train Passengers High Speed Internet

If you take a top-of-the-line express train in America, nothing more modern than an electric shaver can even be plugged in much less have any practical use while onboard. 10 times as long as plane flights, more expensive and no computer use? Why aren' ...

Article - News Staff - May 13 2008 - 10:07pm

Electron Cryomicroscopy Takes A Look At TRPV1 Protein Pain Receptor In 3-D

Like hot peppers? Pungent garlic? Mouth-howling pain? You can thank TRPV1 and now, thanks to researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, you can also see it in full 3D. A research team led by Dr Theodore G. Wensel, professor of biochemistry and m ...

Article - News Staff - May 19 2008 - 5:22pm

Micro Robot Grasshopper Weighs 7 Grams But Jumps Like The Hulk

Researchers from the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have unveiled unveiling a grasshopper-inspired jumping robot that weighs a miniscule 7 grams but can jump 1.4 meters- more than 27 times its body size ...

Article - News Staff - May 21 2008 - 11:41am