This blog - which, in different sites, has been online since 2005, hence for over 10 years now - enjoys a core of faithful readers, who over the years have learnt more detail on my personal life than they probably thought they'd need. But it also occasionally attracts larger crowds of web navigants with an interest in particle physics. They have all rights to not know who I am and whether I am a 20yo geek or a retired professor, male or female, etcetera.
The other day I had to set up to take a reasonably well-crafted picture of myself for a new endeavour, as I do not have many portrait pictures: I am most of the times the one behind the camera. The result was good enough that I thought I could share it with you here. The picture has been taken with a Nikkor 55mm F1.2 lens, set at F1.2 and 1/200s exposure on ISO 400-equivalent.
I like the fact that the sharp focus on my face does not hide imperfections and detail, and the background (a nice abstract landscape I own, from a not-well-known artist) is pleasantly blurred thanks to the fair bokeh produced by the wide aperture lens (the 55mm lens is a very old one and it is really only good for portraits, but it excels there). I should also note that the framing is not the best possible one - in fact I clipped it a bit on the bottom and on the left before using it elsewhere.