This story brings up a question in my mind: Are drones and by extension robots the new technology subject to proliferation? To be clear any good weapon system or technology would proliferate but drones strike me as occupying a special place between AK47s and nuclear weapons. The drone is simple enough to be produced and used by anyone. For most people piloting a drone is akin, "to playing a video game." On the other hand drones are composed of such high technology and expertise that only a state (for the time being) can equip and maintain a significant fleet of these robots.
The AK47 changed the relationship of the individual to the state. The nuclear weapon changed the way state's behave in terms of international affairs. How will the drone change relations? The drone essentially lowers the ability to commit acts of violence by creating a combination of ease of use and fire power but at the same time they are still relatively expensive.
Interesting. It will be fascinating to see how state sovereignty and the monopoly of violence governments (ideally) have, will be affected by the drone.
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