Late-Breaking Analysis In Hypertension Shows That Antihypertensive Treatments Differ In Their Ability To Preserve Lives

STOCKHOLM, August 30, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the results of a late-breaking analysis...

Clinical Results For New Treatment Of Bacterial Vaginosis Infection

The Swedish company Laccure AB recently got CE marking as a Class IIa medical device product for...

88 Percent Of UK Doctors Believe Whiplash Claims Are Exaggerated

AXA, a UK car insurer, has surveyed UK doctors as part of its ongoing campaign to understand the...

On Facebook, Women Are More Plentiful But Men Are Better Ad Targets

Global digital marketing companies Resolution Media and Kenshoo Social published a new report today...

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MADRID, January 15 /PRNewswire/ -- ONDAS Media, (ONDAS) the satellite radio company for Europe, today announced that it has entered into a commercial volume agreement to install Satellite Radio Receivers in Nissan and Infiniti vehicles across Europe. As a result of the agreement, it is anticipated that Nissan vehicles buyers will be among the first European car buyers to be able to receive the diverse programming that ONDAS will create and distribute.

NEW YORK, January 15 /PRNewswire/ --

Arkadin SA (, a global provider of audio and web conferencing services, today announced its expansion into India with the launch of Arkadin ConferIndia. Arkadin will deliver conferencing services to India through a partnership with ConferIndia -- one of the leading audio conferencing services in the region.

The partnership brings together the global services and technology network of Arkadin and the strong local presence of ConferIndia to offer the best in industry conferencing services to clients throughout India. Arkadin will offer services out of ConferIndia's office in the National Capital Region of Delhi, providing 24-hour, year-round local customer support and a local sales team.

GOTEBORG, Sweden, January 15 /PRNewswire/ --

- Ascom UPAC - Simplifying Professional Messaging

Small and medium sized target groups like elderly care homes, retail, schools and social welfare offices will benefit from Ascom's new professional messaging and personal alarm solution; UPAC.

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, January 14 /PRNewswire/ -- and Aardvark Records are pleased to announce London-based act Riveraire as the grand prize winner in the audio category of the voeveo incubator competition. voeveo's incubator programme is all about supporting and helping creative people learn skills to build their mobile business.

The winning mobile fulltrack was "Down To The Ground", a rousing acoustic pop track with a bitter sweet lyric. Riveraire wins global digital distribution and promotion with the Cornwall-based independent record label Aardvark Records as part of the audio Grand Prize. Aardvark will license the winning track.

NEW YORK, January 14 /PRNewswire/ --

In a recent TV segment broadcast to more than 31 million homes in the US via News Corp's Fox Business network, market leaders MySpace, Google and FunkySexyCool were interviewed, including Aussie CEO Tim O'Connor from FunkySexyCool.

Social networking has been largely dominated by two players, Facebook and MySpace, but now FunkySexyCool, a company established in Australia, is earning international media interest for its innovative approach to the social networking phenomenon.

"FunkySexyCool is a fun, fast and easy way to socialise via a mobile phone or the web. It's a cool and exciting way in which anyone, anywhere in the world, can meet someone with the same interests in seconds," says O'Connor.

WINDSOR, England, January 14 /PRNewswire/ --

- DataFlux(R) dfPower(R) Studio Will Analyse, Improve and Control Data Within the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity Donations Database That Contains Over 3.5 Million Records