Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #4

Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #4 If not Latin, then what? Please see the links at...

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #3

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #3 Plants and the moon. For thousands of years, people...

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #2

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #2 An i for an i ? Not nymphs: women! There are...

Understanding The Voynich Manuscript #1

Understanding the Voynich Manuscript #1 Tom, Dick and Harry explain a statistical method. ...

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Retired engineer, 73 years young. Computer builder and programmer. Linguist specialising in language acquisition and computational linguistics. Interested in every human endeavour except the scrooge... Read More »

Law and Science : #2 The Chicken Little Mentality

Fiat Justicia, Ruat Caelum

Fiat justicia ruat caelum is often expressed as: 'let justice triumph or else the sky will fall'.  It may be more literally translated as 'let justice triumph: let the sky fall'.  More loosely, it expresses the notion that justice must be done even if that is counter to the desires of people with power or vested interests.  It is an ideal which is only rarely achieved.  It is far more common for the judiciary to favour the cause of continuity of method over and above the cause of justice.
Law And Science : The Injustice Of Confessions

Confession may be good for the soul, but it is, I submit, positively harmful to the establishment of scientific truth in any legal venue.  It is a notorious fact that some people will confess to crimes which they never committed, or which never happened.  It is another notorious fact that confessions extracted under torture are extremely likely to be false.  A plea of 'guilty' in court amounts to a confession, but may be a result of plea bargaining by an innocent person.
The Voynich Manuscript Part 9 : An Amateur's Work?

Random Noise #17 : They Sure Fooled Me!

Well, they sure fooled me!

I like to think that I know a thing or two about science and engineering.  Quite apart from that, I have read enough court transcripts to know when someone is telling porkies1.  Or so I thought.
Steaming To Success

A hundred year old steam car speed record has just been broken by a British team. 

Edward’s Air Force Base, California: Tuesday August 25th:

Today at 8.19am (California time) Charles Burnett III successfully broke the land speed record for a steam powered car - which has stood for more than 100 years - achieving an average speed of 139.843mph on two runs over a measured mile. 

The Lockerbie Injustice

To those victims’ relatives who can bear to hear me say this: they continue to have my sincere sympathy for the unimaginable loss that they have suffered.

To those who bear me ill will, I do not return that to you.
Abdul Ali al-Megrahi

Today, Abdul Ali al-Megrahi was released from prison on compassionate grounds.  I rejoice at that decision.  Ever since he was named as the Lockerbie bomber I have had exceedingly strong doubts that he was even so much as implicated, let alone the bomb-builder.  I would like to share my thoughts about this.