Ebba Busch, Swedish Deputy PM&Minister for Energy, says they need to go back to conventional energy, especially if they're going to continue to carry countries like Germany, that closed their nuclear plants.

Their decade-long focus on wind has caused prices to soar and reliability to decline, and even calls out Germany's Green Guru and Vice Chancellor, the philosopher Robert Habeck, PhD.

Ebba Busch, Swedish Minister for Energy, Business and Industry and Deputy Prime Minister

“No willpower in the world can override the basic rules of physics, not even Dr. Robert Habeck,” she says. It is good that Sweden is one of few government officials willing to try the experiment and change their mind.

Germany's Habeck is basically the Vandana Shiva of wind energy. And he has done to German energy what Dr. Shiva, also a philosopher, did to Sri Lanka when they adopted her beliefs about food - increased costs 100% and helped no one and nothing.

This is a big change from just a few years ago when Sweden declared it was going to ban any car that isn't electric, and talked down to everyone else by insisting if they could be 60% renewable it was just political will holding it back.

The same political will wishful thinking they are now ridiculing.