
Predicting Methane Rise, Using A Hydroxyl Radical Estimate

In the late 2000s, after natural gas uptake caused American carbon dioxide emissions to plummet, panicked environmentalists began to scramble for new ways to campaign on ending so-called fossil fuels. Methane, with 23X the warming power of CO2, was ideal, ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 17 2017 - 5:56pm

Thiamethoxam: Study Claims Neonicotinoid Causes Erratic Bee Flight

Thiamethoxam is a compound in the class of targeted pesticides known as "neonicotinoids", because they are chemically similar to nicotine, which has natural insect repellent properties. Neonicotinoids are used in crops such as corn, soybeans and ...

Article - News Staff - Apr 26 2017 - 8:48am

The Ultimate Natural Sunscreen: Thanks, Science!

A new paper reports the development of nanoparticles that mimic the behavior of natural melanosomes, melanin-producing cell structures that protect our skin, eyes and other tissues from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. ...

Article - News Staff - May 18 2017 - 8:47am

Formaldehyde Exposure In Marijuana Vaping

Formaldehyde sounds scary because it is for dead bodies. But it is also produced in our natural cellular respiration. Clearly "the dose makes the embalming fluid" but groups who want to scare people about diet soda whisper about its presence. And ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 12 2017 - 1:35pm

Organic Growing Process Linked To Higher Antioxidant Levels In Onions

A new study has found that found that flavonoid levels and antioxidant activity in organic onions are higher than in conventional onions, which disputes a meta-analysis which debunked claims by discredited industry-funded economist Dr. Chuck Benbrook and c ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 16 2017 - 8:34pm

3 Ways Activists Gamed California's Prop 65 List To Get Glyphosate On It

Glyphosate, a component of the popular herbicide commonly known as Roundup in the United States, has been placed on California's Proposition 65 list, which requires a cancer warning label on it, despite the fact no regulatory body can find evidence i ...

Article - Hank Campbell - May 27 2019 - 12:19pm

Glyphosate Doesn't Cause Cancer- Neither Do More Toxic Organic Pesticides

It's been well-established by now but owing to a discredited International Agency for Research on Cancer claim, which environmental groups insist remains valid despite finding that a member of the Working Group had financial conflicts of interest (co ...

Article - News Staff - Jan 14 2018 - 4:41pm

Slurry Science: The Chemistry Used To Help Put Out Wildfires


Article - Inside Science - Feb 26 2018 - 4:17pm

Everything Is An Endocrine Disruptor, Claims French Activist Researcher Barbara Demeneix

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Université Paris-Sorbonne, must be a dangerous place to work, because scholars there have found that almost everything is a so-called "endocrine disruptor". They may be correct. If you drink a cup ...

Article - News Staff - Mar 24 2018 - 11:12am

With The Science Settled That Neonicotinoids Don't Cause Honeybee Problems, Why Does Europe Need To Ban Them?

Everyone agrees the health of bees is a concern but there is confusion about why different governments have reacted. Scientific experts note any acute problems are due to a combination of bee keeping practices, Varroa destructor mites (which vector roughly ...

Article - Jon Entine - Apr 26 2018 - 2:26pm