Clinical Research
- Your Food Allergies Are Making You Fat
Food is very complicated. You need food to fuel your body, so you need calories for energy. Your brain needs a constant supply of glucose, so that means sugars, starches and carbohydrates. Your muscles need protein, so that means meats, beans and veggies. ...
Article - Erin Richards - Apr 6 2009 - 2:51pm
- Faulty Sphincter? GERD Yourself For A Magnetic Solution
If you suffer from occasional or frequent heartburn, you know who you are. You may avoid eating certain foods, keep an arsenal of antacids beside your bed, and still suffer from pain caused by renegade stomach acid wrecking havoc on your esophagus. For the ...
Article - Erin Richards - Apr 20 2009 - 1:12pm
- An introduction to the topic of autism research from an autistic perspective
Welcome to my new blog, which stands somewhere between the hurly burly of my personal blog and the quiet backwater of my academic blog. Why this blog? I currently have a book in preparation, on this topic, which is proceeding alongside my research, and I ...
Blog Post - Laurence Arnold - Feb 11 2011 - 9:02pm
- Hemophilia Be Gone! (Thanks RNA Splicing)
Science has come one step closer to developing practical methods of gene therapy. Viable gene therapy means treatment for currently untreatable diseases including the vast amount of genetic disorders affecting millions world-wide. ...
Article - Erin Richards - Apr 8 2009 - 2:33pm
- Asthma To VCD: Quit Copying Me!
If I were a sneaky disease, working my pathological magic through mimicry, I think I'd be vocal cord dysfunction. What's VCD? I didn't even know it existed until last week, so don't feel embarrassed. Also known as laryngeal dysfunction, ...
Article - Becky Jungbauer - Apr 9 2009 - 9:52pm
- What you don't know can't hurt you, brain tissue donation.
This time I am going to have to declare an interest before starting. Autism Speaks is not an organisation I particularly favour, for the most part because of the nature of their publicity and advertising, which is not what I am dealing about here. I have t ...
Blog Post - Laurence Arnold - Apr 16 2009 - 11:37am
- Better Flu Vaccine Protects Against Spanish And Bird Flus
If you have suffered the flu recently, then you know that it’s quite miserable. All of the sneezing, sore throat, fever and aching can really put a damper on your day (or week for some of us). Even taking preventative measures like getting that season’s “f ...
Article - Erin Richards - Apr 20 2009 - 11:47am
- Laughter May Raise Good Cholesterol And Lower Inflammation
According to lore (because apparently before the Internet, if it appeared in writing it had to be true) diarist Samual Pepes originally said, "Laughter is the best medicine." On a science site, we are inclined to note that 'medicine is the b ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 20 2009 - 9:23am
- Hormone Cycle May Impact Knee Injuries In Women
Women get more knee injuries than men and new research from the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary say there may be a connection between the laxity of a woman's knee joint and her monthly hormone cycle. The research project — a collab ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 18 2009 - 1:24pm
- Slow Down Diabetes By Going Nuts
For those of us who are savvy on health food, what I’m about to tell you will come as no surprise, if not, hold onto your hats. If you have heard about “good fats” such as poly-unsaturated fats and omega fatty acids, found in fish and olive oil, then you k ...
Article - Erin Richards - Apr 21 2009 - 1:30pm