Our grand prize winner was Sena Koleva who told us all about The New Science of Love and Attraction. You thought you knew what made that special someone attractive to you, and what it meant to fall in love? You probably only know part of the story. Sena's article breaks it all down for us, from a scientific perspective.
As our grand prize winner, Sena will receive a $1,000 cash prize, and a 3-month writing internship with ScientificBlogging this summer. We look forward to reading even more from Sena in the months to come.
Our second prize winner was Marc Dingman who explored How Obese Yellow Mice are Changing the Nature/Nurture Debate. This unique example in the animal world demonstrates how genetically identical twins can still vary significantly. Marc article explains how the variations exist not due to differences in the DNA itself, but rather how that DNA is packaged and read. As our second prize winner, Marc will receive a $500 cash prize.
Our third prize winner was Anastasia Bodnar who explained how GMOs Could Render Important Antibiotics Worthless. Anastasia's article explores the question of whether antibiotic marker genes in genetically engineered crops are really a risk to human health. As our thrid prize winner, Anastasia will receive a $250 cash prize.
Thanks to all of the writers, readers, and voters that participated in our competition. We were so impressed with the quality of the submitted articles, and we hope that you will all continue to be contributing members of our scientific community.