No one is fooled. That is why restaurants and consumers who fetish-ize wild caught fight while claiming it is more nutritious or tastes better are so cloying. Sure, there can be differences in taste, just like if you give a chicken different feed, but that is easily solvable, and has been, like in the chicken industry.

The Onion made fun of this thinking decades ago, thanks to President Bill Clinton causing so many manufacturing jobs to move to Mexico. Now who is protesting bringing jobs back? The same political party that sent them there. Like creating unlimited student loans and then saying they will waive them for humanities students who don't understand what debt is, creating problems to solve is a common political tactic.
In reality, fishing is one of the most dangerous occupations out there. Despite that, fishers will be first to ask me to stop defending them, because they like that wealthy elites get good feelings from knowing there is a whole TV show based on how dangerous catching their food is. As Senator Bernie Sanders recently noted in his calls to remake the Democratic party, the rich pretending to care about the poor while making sure they stay poor are the problem.
If progressive states really cared about the poor, they'd allow more logging. California created its annual wildfire mess by listening to environmentalists over scientists when it comes to fire mitigation and water storage and the poor pay the price. All those buildings in Los Angeles that have to be replaced will be replaced at a fantastic high cost because new regulations that won't prevent any wildfires mean only the wealthy can afford to rent there. When all that is needed is to do what private owners like Indian tribes and the Getty estate did - cut down the dead trees and create fire breaks.

Logging out dead trees and creating firebreaks is so simple and obvious that even natives who never learned to read and write 2,000 years after the rest of the world knew to do it. California decided to put a halt to it all 50 years ago. If they allowed responsible logging again, logging everywhere would get much safer, whereas right now it is the one occupation ahead of fishing in danger.(1)
Being a pilot is dangerous, a 0.000313 risk is not trivial though it shows airline travel is really safe, but they also make $200,000 per year. Fishing is 300% the risk and only pays $28,000.
Science has a solution and there are lots of other ways people can make $28,000 per year; it is called farming fish. The nutrition is the same, the taste is the same, the only difference is that restaurant staff won't be able to coo it was caught at substantial risk to poor people, so wealthy elites will have to feel good about something else, like that Tesla stock is down ever since Elon Musk switched from being the darling of Democrats to the darling of Republicans.
(1) Who prevents it? Governor Gavin Newsom, of course, but he is so out-of-touch he commutes three hours to work so he can live in an expensive mansion he somehow bought despite never having a job outside "public service." He defends public education but sends his children to private school in Marin County, an area so wealthy and opposed to science that before we helped get a law passed banning arbitrary vaccine exemptions (over his objection as Lt Governor) they had schools with barely 25% of kids vaccinated. Democrats literally believed so strongly that vaccines cause autism they relied on the herd immunity of poor kids to protect their special cherubs. But in Marin County they were nearly all fellow wealthy progressives so there was no herd immunity.