Tired of protein folding, bored with looking for big objects in space? Now you can go tiny. As in a fundamental particle.
The Large Hadron Collider team wants to tap into the collective computing power of the public with a project LHC@home 2.0, an updated version of a 2004 effort to enlist the public's computers to simulate beams of protons.
The Worldwide Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid is a 100m-euro network designed to handle the flood of data created by the LHC and distribute it to scientists worldwide. The LHC@home project will complement this network by splitting up the gargantuan task of simulating the collisions, feeding those computer simulations back to the scientists for comparison.
LHC@home allows public to help hunt for Higgs particle - BBC
Citizen Science, Help Find The Higgs Boson