Conservatives like the way it was and, for everyone who has listened to "Born This Way", her new single, she likes the way it was too - namely when Madonna did "Express Yourself."
Tris McCall at the Star-Ledger says what everyone has been thinking yet radio (and music) people won't say, lest she last as long as Madonna and ignore them in the future for present-day slights:
The single arrives amid a mudslide of hype that has been oozing down Gaga Mountain for months. This was supposed to be a massive statement; an anthem for a lost generation; the first broadside from an album meant to establish the pop star as a significant songwriter. Instead, it’s a typical up-with-people anthem attached to a melody and chord progression as familiar as an old bathrobe.Here's hoping we someone can figure out what stuff like "You’re black, white, beige, Chola descent/You’re Lebanese, you’re Orient" actually means on planet Earth. On Planet Gaga, they will eat it up. I assumed 'born this way' referred to her genitals but I guess it means she's Orient. Whatever that is.