They didn't even have to create it. Lick Me I'm Delicious, the name for this brainchild of Francis, did. It has 25 mg of Viagra.
Get it? Lick me? Viagra?
Maybe their photo will help.

Link: Pinterest
That's a lot more direct than those commercials showing men taking sildenafil citrate and then strangely deciding to sit in a bathtub in the woods. Don't get too excited, the ice cream may never be in stores because Viagra has been linked to risk of malignant melanoma and various governments are tired of pharmaceutical companies advertising it for recreational use.
Real Clear Science editor Alex Berezow sent this to me and it was on Livescience partner Discovery - but it was no surprise seeing that graphic there either. I noted there is a reason they always create pictures of Mary-Ann Ochota with stuff pointed at her but I like all of the loot they send me so I won't make too much fun of them. I'll pick on ITV instead. They never send me anything.
From Britain's Secret Treasures, ITV. Link: - thanks in advance for being a good sport!