For a desperate parent, it must be a dream come true--one's child communicating finally, the words flowing. All those hopes and dreams suddenly realized, parents are not likely to be skeptical of this sudden flowering of skills.
For nearly two years, I've been writing about facilitated communication and trying to convey the research and prevent parents new to the autism world from falling for it or its kissing cousin, rapid prompting method.
ABC's 20/20 just ran an entire episode on the tragic Wendrow case, which I, along with James Todd, have written about this past year. This is a must see episode. Seeing this family and listening to their story is far more compelling than dry words on a screen.
For other pieces on the Wendrow case and facilitated communication, please click these links:
Holding Educators Accountable For Evidence-Based Practices: Facilitated Communication Isn't One
Facilitated Communication: A Price Too High To Pay
Skepticism Of Stories To Good To Be True
Facilitated Communication: Bandwagon Endorsements; It All Feels Good
Why Rapid Prompting Method Still Doesn’t Pass the Evidence-Based Test
Facilitated Communication: A Literature Review
Navigating The Autism World: Facilitated Communication Is Still Pseudoscience
Facilitated Communication Quackery Gets Journalistic Promotion In Annapolis
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- Holding Educators Accountable For Evidence-Based Practices: Facilitated Communication Isn't One
- Navigating The Autism World: Facilitated Communication Is Still Pseudoscience
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