Drawing The Line With Congress

In the ongoing struggle between the Representative of the 21st District of Texas, Lamar Smith,...

Congress Knows That Science Is Important

On Wednesday, March 19th, a group of researchers organized by the Society for Neuroscience descended...

Anything At All Concerning About Brain Mapping?

In President Obama's most recent State of the Union address, he mentioned neuroscience three times...

The Ears Of Your Fears

Imagine that you’re a young rat. You’re in the woods, doing rat things among the dead foliage...

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David is a neuroscientist in the field of sensory-limbic circuitry. He published his debut novel, [Brackets], in October 2012. He is a member of the International Neuroethics Society, a Mormon,... Read More »

Ever since the gap between neural and silicon circuits was bridged through a common electrical language, neural interface technologies have pushed us towards medical advances that border on the biblical: the deaf hear, the blind see, and the motionless move.  Cochlear implants have been an unprecedented success in biomedical engineering (1) and may only be surpassed by the visual implants currently in development (2).  The first tetraplegics with implants allowing them to move robotic limbs have been veteran cyborgs for half a decade (3), and many amputees now have prosthetics that they can use to move and feel (4).  Even simple direct stimulation technologies