My name’s Ethan White and I’m currently trying to finish my PhD in Evolutionary Psychology. I’m interested in the evolution of creativity and language and how it relates to sexual and relationship behavior.
If anyone would be interested I have a survey I’d like you to take which would really help me out. It shouldn't take more than an hour and some people finish it in around 30 minutes.
Now you might say, "I don’t know you, you pervert. I'm not telling you any of that.
To which I would respond, "Good call. However, it's 100% anonymous." Really, plus I already have over 100 people who have taken it and everything gets dumped into a huge data file so there's no way I would ever know.
If you think anyone else would be interested in taking it feel free to tell them about it.
The Female version can be found here:
The Male version is here:
This is a huge help to me. I’ll also answer any questions you have about the survey after you’ve taken it.
Thanks a lot!