Dinosound revival is no kidding to me. I was at the foothills of tall snow-capped mountains by the sea when this happened. A very loud sound filled the meadows and startled my senses like a dinosaur call! Well, it happened again, the next day about the same time, just before the sunset and for several minutes. I had to inquire swiftly for a local answer.
Come on, did you just accept that we know the sounds of an animal that lived long before even a woman was on the world scene? I mean, did the dinosaurs bark or tweet, scream, hiss, roar, coo, neigh or sing?

Source: Parasaurolophus dinosaur, by Rich Penney, paleo-artist, Santa Fe, NM.
Here is what the Sandia scientists* had to do to produce a "Voice of Parasaurolophus Dinosaur:" Digital Paleontology, without damaging the fossil in hand. Parasaurolophus, that appeared in the movies Jurassic Park and The Lost World, lived about 75 million years ago. Fortunately, almost a complete crest and skull of one was recovered near Farmington in northwest New Mexico.
A three-dimensional computer model of the crest was created by first performing a CT scan of it at St. Joseph Medical Center in Albuquerque. A series of about 350 cross sections were taken of the skull and crest at 3mm intervals. The results showed a much more complicated internal structure than had been known previously.
The authors continue:
Once the size and shape of the air passages were determined with the aid of powerful computers and unique software, it was possible to determine the natural frequency of the sound waves the dinosaur pumped out, much the same as the size and shape of a musical instrument governs its pitch and tone.
Perhaps you would like to visit the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science in Albuquerque to hear this special sound. Here I provide you the sound of a T-Rex (Credit: Stimme Von Tyrannosaurus Rex - Animal Sound of a Tyrannosaurus R)
Are you still interested in the local man's answer? He said: "Why, the cows, of course." Then we both laughed. A special cow's moo stays as a great substitute for a dinosound as far as some are concerned. Still laughing? Bellow, bleat, and moo, for some dinosaurs, until shown otherwise.
* (Scientists Use Digital Paleontology to Produce Voice of Parasaurolophus Dinosaur)