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As I wrote below: You want to turn this around? VOTE! Vote in the national contests. Vote in the state contests. Vote in the local contests. And remember that this is like buying a car, not like...
What happened to your prediction that RKJ would not get Senate approval? You had rationalized that it was OK for President Pinocchio to nominate him out of gratitude. In 2016 the cabinet was filled...
Anti-Science Epidemiologists Have A New Friend In Government | Science 2.0 · 1 day ago
Tommaso Dorigo
Hi, indeed, that is a very good use case of differentiable programming-powered, gradient-based optimization. However, as you know PMTs are built by factories nowadays, so they are not any longer...
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Are Trace Chemicals In Shiny Hair Products Killing You? | Science 2.0 · 5 days ago
John and Enrico, many have analyzed the 2024 election, presumably to hone strategy for a 2028 election. Instead of doing it again here, tell me your ideas for making sure THERE IS a 2028 election....