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Difficult to get my head round this, but here is a recent video which, if it is correct, suggests why these experiments and others like them are driving at. It certainly tells me a lot more about...
Teresa Unger
Pretty shallow and inaccurate synopsis of their work. People should read the actual paper, not this dismissal of it.
A Fishy Attempt To Link Glyphosate And Celiac Disease · 1 week ago
Reminds me of this: Study Finds Indigenous Mexican Variety of Corn Captures the Nitrogen It Needs...
New Bacteria Optimization Could Boost Nitrogen-Fixing In Corn · 1 week ago
Pranali Baderao | 360iResearch
Thank you for sharing! To explore further
Restoring Electrical Conductivity In Pancreatic Islet Cells: A Cure For Type 2 Diabetes · 1 week ago
I can’t offer any sympathy from this side of the Atlantic. Here is an example of how politics has been working in the UK.
No, Trump’s Executive Orders Can’t Cancel Your Rights. · 1 week ago