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- Prop 65 Is A California Gimmick That Raises Prices For The Poor
- KM3NeT: Most Energetic Neutrino In The Universe Detected
- My Most Important Column Ever
- Unsupervised Tracking
- Chocolate Is A Treat - It's Not An 'Antioxidant' Or Anything Except Valentine's Day Candy
- The Paris Agreement Is Only Symbolic - And Helping Nothing
The thing is, Trump didn't win; the Democrats lost. Trump got almost exactly the same number of votes in this election as he has in the previous one (74,223,975 in 2020, 77,302,580 in 2024, an...
It seems my irony was too subtle. Rightists have long ridiculed phrases like “recognize their feelings” as being hippie snowflake nonsense. I was throwing the MAGAs’ imprecations back at them.
Please stop playing to the choir. They're already scientifically tone deaf, and you will only make them howl like a depression era microphone in an echo chamber.
The Paris Agreement Is Only Symbolic - And Helping Nothing · 2 days ago
China, India, and Russia prioritized the health and well-being of their people over the dubious claims of pseudoscience. I'm glad Trump got out of this boondoggle - for the second time.
The Paris Agreement Is Only Symbolic - And Helping Nothing · 3 days ago
A 3:1 mixture of hydrochloric & nitric acids is known as aqua regia. Normally gold will dissolve in it and turn it deep orange. But if Trump's Presidential gold coins are added to the...
No, Trump’s Executive Orders Can’t Cancel Your Rights. · 1 week ago