Placebo Buttons?

A recent article suggested that many of the buttons/toggles that we experience in our daily lives...

The Development Of Social Monogamy In Mammals

Two papers published this week have proposed explanations regarding the evolution of social monogamy...

Easy Answers To World Problems

After reading another article by Alex Berezow ["The Arrogance of a Well-Fed Society"] insisting...

The Precautionary Principle Review

There is an interesting series of articles published by the Guardian discussing various aspects...

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I'm not big on writing things about myself so a friend on this site (Brian Taylor) opted to put a few sentences together: Hopefully I'll be able to live up to his claims. "I thought perhaps you... Read More »

A new article from the Association for Psychological Science (APS) begins with the premise that our ancestors avoided outsiders because they might carry disease.  Therefore, it apparently seems reasonable to conclude that by washing our hands and getting vaccinated, we reduce such primal pressures and join the Age of Aquarius (or some such conclusion).
"Our distant ancestors had to avoid outsiders who might have carried disease."
"Fool Me Twice" is the title of a new book on science and politics by Shawn Lawrence Otto. Subtitled "Fighting the Assault on Science in America", it addresses a topic which is often presented as a kind of problem to be solved to gain scientific credibility but is rarely considered as closely as it needs to be.  Otto begins by discussing some common incidences in politics and initially appears that perhaps an element of political bias is present in these arguments.

However, after a brief discussion of politics he introduces a different view of the political landscape that extends beyond simply progressive and conservative labels, by connecting them to the more fundamental philosophical views of authoritarian and antiauthoritarian perspectives.
You may wonder why this blog post is late, given it's title, but considering that it was 11/11/11 here ALL DAY LONG; things were serious.  It should be obvious that there is a clear connection to the Mayan apocalypse and this was my first opportunity for a bonafide operational test of my  "Apocalypse Now" Bunker 1.  Well, perhaps "bunker" is too strong a description, so perhaps I can just say it's a rather well-built room.   OK, I don't actually know how well-built it is, but its comfortable and has a TV with my remote.

I had plenty of coffee on hand, so I figured I was prepared for anything the day could throw at me.  
The following entries are an exchange between myself and Helen Barratt regarding superluminal neutrinos and related topics.  I have removed them to this archive for anyone that wants to peruse the posts, and to eliminate the distraction from the original article.  They have not been modified in any way, beyond the artifacts of copying them.

I know that there are plenty of liberals and progressives that are scientific whacko's and embrace many anti-scientific sentiments.  I'm certainly not about to defend them, but ....

Something this stupid simply can't be ignored.  Enjoy.
Recent articles and discussions around superluminal tachyons have raised various questions regarding their existence and the meaning that it might pose to physics.  Oh, the hell with it.  Why wait for science?  I've discovered the mother lode!

Welcome to the world of tachyonic energy, health, and well-being.
Tachyon theory states that the Tachyon universe continually creates, sustains and energizes the physical universe. Every created thing owes its existence to the expansion of the Tachyon Field. In this sense, it sounds like a religious description of the Creator, or the Creative Force.