How good are traditional medicines in modern world
Ashwani Kumar | August 29th 2010 10:18 AM |
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Time and again people doubt about the traditional medicines and their useful news in modern world.
Traditions can we wrong but if they are right they have whole lot of science behind it.
However three things are very important.
1. Idendtify that drug ( it could be mixture of several plant ingredients which should be identified correctly)
2. Identify the plants used in drug or traditional medicine.
3. Ensure that what you are using is botanically correct and its also correct part of the plant and it also has required contents.
4. Even if 1 to 3 are correct there is no criteria of shelf life of traditional medicine
5. There is no way to measure the composition of the traditional drug during storage period.
6. The contents of traditional medicine may vary from place to place.
7 There should be some way to mark on the drug that its suitable for how many days or months or years.
if all things are correct its important to know the procedure to take the drug
with warm water or milk or in ground form
before or after meal
and moreover its the nearness to the plants in the traditional medicine that can cure a person.
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