Indian medicinal plants : Linum usitatissimum Linn (Linaceae)
Parts used are seeds.
An erect annual, herb, cultivated throughout
the plains of India and up to an altitude of 1,800 m.
The seeds heal ulcers, urinary discharges, cure
leprosy,remove "Vata" and "pitta", "kapha" bad for the eyesight, lead to impotancy, used in consumption.; The leaves remove "Vata" and cough and asthma. The roasted seeds are said to be astringent. Fumigation with the smoke is recommended for colds in the head and hysteria and the tinder used to staunch haemorrhages. The seeds are used internally for gonorrhoea and irritation of the genito-urinary system.
The flowers are considered as cardiotonic. The seeds are
bitter, acrid, emollient, thermogenic, expectorant and diuretic. It is astringent. After roasting. The whole seed is prescribed as a laxative. The mucilaginous infusion 'Linseed tea' is used internally as a demulcent in coughs, catarrah, and bronchial affections, uretreritis, gonorrhoea and dirrhoea. The mucilage is dropped into eyes in irritable conditions of the conjuctivita.l; Crushed linseed is applied in the form of pultice for the relief of local inflammations, ulcers, boils and carbuncles.
The flowers are considered a cardiac tonic. Linseed poultice is recommended for gouty and rheumatic swellings as an emollient , the mucilage is dropped into eye with honey it is prescribed in coughs and colds.
Raw Linseed oil with equal parts of aqueous calcium hydroxide (0.14 g/100 ml) can be used to treat skin disorders like burns and sores.
Linseed oil is official in some pharmacopoeias and is recommended mainly for external application. It is a common base for embrocations and liniments. Lotio Calcii Hydroxidi Oleosa, a mixture of equal volumes of linseed oil and calcium hydroxide solution, is a popular application for burns. A solution of linseed oil and sulphur was formerly used in the treatment of scabies and parasitic skin diseases. Linseed oil has laxative properties but is seldom employed as it is unpleasant to taste. It is sometimes given in enemas, especially in haemorrhoid cases. Boiled linseed oil which contains compounds of lead and other toxic elements, must not be prescribed for medicinal use .
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