Ashwini Kumar and Neetu Vijay
Bio-Technology Lab, Department of Botany
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur - 302 004, India.
Energy Plantation Demonstration project and Biotechnology Center
ABSTRACT: The non articulated laticifer cell present in C.procera (Asclepiadaceae) are distributed in cortex,
phloem region, pith and among parenchyma cells present in the stem. The transverse and longitudinal sections
of the plants treated with plant growth regulators gave varying distribution of non articulated cells. Treatment
with all growth regulators i.e. Indole acetic acid, Indole butyric acid, alpha Naphthalene acetic acid, Gibberalic
acid and Zinc Sulphate had a positive effect on plant height, number of branches, per cent dry matter and per
cent heptane extractables. The maximum increase in dry matter, plant height and per cent heptane extractables
was recorded in GA3 treatment among all the growth regulators. ZnSO4 also promoted dry matter, plant height
and per cent heptane extractables.
Calotropis procera (Asclepiadaceae) is one of the
most abundantly available plant in the semi arid and
arid conditions of India. In the present time biomass is
considered one of the most promising renewable energy
sources. Currently attention is focused mainly on
biomass improvement and laticifer development for this
purpose plantation of fast growing and high
regeneration capacity shrub C.proera. Hydrocarbon
provides an alternative to petroleum[1,2,3,4]. Source of
hydrocarbon is white milky latex which is present in
specialized laticifer cells.
Laticifers are found in 12,500 species belonging
to 900 genera some 22 families mostly of dicotyledons.
Mostly laticiferous plnts belong to the dicot families
Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Asteraceae,
Euphorbiaceae, Papavaraceae and Sapotaceae.
Mahlberg et al (1987)(5) reported fossil laticifers in
some brown coal deposits. Laticifers are classified as
non-articulated and articulated types[6]. The Calotropis
procera has non-articulated laticifer (NAL) originate
from single cells develop with the plant and finally
become multinucleate. Laticifer, the specialized cells or
tubes containing latex constitute an organized storage
or excretion system. Laticiferous cells grow by
intrusive as well as symplastic growth growing tips
follow the course of middle lamella. Pectinase may be
present in latex: this may be facilitate intrusive growth
and also loosen wall material of laticifer itself to
simplify extension growth[7]. The basic nutritional
requirement of the laticifer are obtained from adjacent
cells, possibly phloem cells to which they are often
associated [8,9].
Apocynaceae has non-articulated laticifers while
Euphorbiaceae contains both articulated and nonarticulated
laticifers whereas Euphorbia bears nonarticulated
Calotropis procera is known for bearing non
articulated branched laticifer [10,11]. The branched
NAL develop only in primary tissues, in leaves they
follow the vascular bundles these laticifers commonly
associated with phloem may send out branches between
palisade cells or downward between spongy mesophyll
[12], studied development of NAL in Euphorbia
marignata. The NAL in C.gigantea originate from
single cells and develop into long tube like structure
that may branch but usually do not anastomose [11,13].
They exist either singly or in the groups parallel
elongated cells. These cells undergo elongation with
free nuclear division. During present investigations also
laticifers were confined with the primary tissues and are
generally found in closely associated groups of parallel
elongated cells.
The NAL are branched coenocytes with
actively growing tips, its dense cytoplasm contains
numerous vesicles. Generally they contain large central
vacuole and peripheral cytoplasm. A large number of
vesicles produced in them probably from the
endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes. The starch
reserve in the amyloplast have been reported in
Euphorbia species [14]. The role of starch grains in
differentiation of mature laticifer needs to be further
illustrated. The plastid in NAL have few lamellae
possess phytoferritin and accumulate small amount of
starch [15] as the laticifer plastids do not become photo
synthetically green .The laticifer nuclei are highly lobed
and possess dilated perinuclear spaces. The outer
nuclear membrane of adjacent nuclei are connected by
segments of rough ER. The role of perinuclear dilation
in the latex production has not been determined.
In Calotropis procera NAL occur in vascular
tissues particularly in phloem, phellem and
parenchyma. These may enter leaves and develop
branches, extending into the mesophyll, sometimes
reaching the hypodermis or epidermis. The laticifer
initial grow more rapidly than the neighboring cells,
their nuclei enlarge and divide without subsequent wall
The cells elongate mostly by apical growth, often
at both ends, so that the elongating cells tips intrude
between the immediately adjoining cells. The
elongating apices repeatedly thus forming a branched
Non articulated laticifers originate in primary
tissue and continue intrusive growth only in living
tissue that not lost their ability to divide [16].
NAL of C.procera are most common in the stem,
cortex and proliferate at the nodes from where they
spread into leaves via the parenchymatous tissue of the
petiole and into pith through nodal leaf gaps.
Ashwini Kumar and Neetu Vijay
Bio-Technology Lab, Department of Botany
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur - 302 004, India.
Energy Plantation Demonstration project and Biotechnology Center
ABSTRACT: The non articulated laticifer cell present in C.procera (Asclepiadaceae) are distributed in cortex,
phloem region, pith and among parenchyma cells present in the stem. The transverse and longitudinal sections
of the plants treated with plant growth regulators gave varying distribution of non articulated cells. Treatment
with all growth regulators i.e. Indole acetic acid, Indole butyric acid, alpha Naphthalene acetic acid, Gibberalic
acid and Zinc Sulphate had a positive effect on plant height, number of branches, per cent dry matter and per
cent heptane extractables. The maximum increase in dry matter, plant height and per cent heptane extractables
was recorded in GA3 treatment among all the growth regulators. ZnSO4 also promoted dry matter, plant height
and per cent heptane extractables.
2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 10-14 May 2004, Rome, Italy
Earlier workers compared laticifers with blood
vessels of animals. Today, laticifers are envisaged as
component of secretary tissue. Laticifer store substance
that do not re enter plant metabolism; that may also
have some role in water balance and transport of
oxygen in the plant. Latex may play a role in wound
healing and as a defense against microorganisms and
A 50 ha. Bioenergy plantation demonstration
centre has been established in the campus of the
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, to conduct the
experiments on large scale cultivation of Calotropis
procera with the objective of developing optimal
conditions to increase its growth potential and number
of non articulated laticifers.
Seeds of C.procera were collected in the month of
March 2002 to May 2002 from different localities of
Jaipur. Seeds were dried in shed and stored in cool and
dry place and used for raising seedlings in the
polythene bags filled with sand : manure : clay in 1 : 1 :
1, in the month of June, 2002. one month old seedling
transferred to pot in July, 2002.
Treatment of different growth regulators and
nutrient was given at an age of three month old plants.
Plant growth regulators viz. Indole acetic acid (IAA) ,
Indole butyric acid (IBA), alpha naphthalene acetic acid
(NAA), Gibberalic acid (GA3) were applied in the form
of foliar spray at the 50 ppm concentration. Total
twelve sprays were given at an interval of fifteen days
from September, 2002 to February, 2003. Each growth
regulator solution was applied in a constant amount c.a.
15 ml. Inorganic nutrient Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) at a
concentration of 50ppm was applied in the form of
foliar spray at constant amount c.a. 15 ml. Control
plants were sprayed with double distill water of equal
Samples were taken six months after the last
spray. Anatomy of each treated sample was conducted
to see the effect on laticifer development just below the
third node. Per cent biocrude was find out to see the
effect on productivity.
Application of plant growth regulators influenced
the plant height, number of branches, per cent dry
matter and per cent heptane extractables to carrying
level. Although no attempts was made to quantify the
presence of non articulated laticifers but hand cut
sections in their transverse and longitudinal views
represented the presence of laticifers cells in cortex,
phloem, and parenchyma and pith region to varying
extent as seen in different treatments. Attempts were
made to cut the sections of the stem selecting the
sections just below the third node of the main branch.
The Indole acetic acid application has less dry matter
production and accordingly heptane extractable were
also low. Probably greater proportion of cells were of
parenchymatous nature. The cross section gives a clear
view of the presence of laticifers in subepidermal
cortical, blast fiber region, secondary phloem,
intraxylary phloem and pith. In the longitudinal section
non articulated laticifers were found to associated to the
phloem cells in abundance. This support the
contentions of Fay et al, 1989 [9], that the laticifers are
often associated with the phloem cells from which they
drive their basic requirements.
The Indole butyric acid (IBA) treatment which
promoted root development to a greater extent also
favored increase in plant height, number of branches,
fresh weight and dry weight. The latex cells were
prominently associated with the phloem , inter as well
as intra xylary phloem and in the parenchyma cells
found in the cortex and the pith region. It also increased
per cent heptane extractables.
Application of alpha naphthalene acetic acid
(NAA) adversely affected the plant height but it
promoted number of branches , number of leaves, dry
matter and per cent heptane extractables. Laticifers
cells are well distinguished in the cortical and
secondary phloem region. They were also prominently
distributed in the pith region. The association of
laticifer cells ith the phloem cells is more clearly seen
in the longitudinal sections where the laticifer cells are
in continuous chains.
Increase in plant height was maximum in GA3
treated plants. GA3 also increased number of branches,
dry matter and per cent heptane extractables. The
localization of laticifer cells in the cortical region is
distinct and as seen in the longitudinal section (LS) ,
these cells are probably greater in number and more
elongated. In the same ratio the heptane extractable
were recorded in the GA3 treated plants which were
maximum among all the growth regulator treatments.
The biosynthesis of growth regulator IAA is
supported by ZnSO4 which helps in tryptophan
biosynthesis a precursor of IAA. The application of
ZnSO4 had almost similar effect as the IAA in the plant
height, number of branches and leaves were slightly
reduced, but the size and thickness of the leaves was
much more in ZnSO4 treated plants. The heptane
extractable were maximum in plants treated with
ZnSO4. the size of the laticifers was greater and cells
were closely ad pressed forming thick channels.
2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 10-14 May 2004, Rome, Italy
Effect of Different Treatments on Growth and
Productivity of C.Procera
Treatment Plant
% dry
% Heptane
Control 109 6 9.88% 3.78%
135 9 10.11
143 10 16.2% 4.03%
120 14 29.6% 5.13%
180 15 30.8% 5.245%
135 7 26% 5.64%
Non articulated vessels are essentially branched
coenocytes with actively growing tips continuous with
the remote part of the cells, where the protoplasm is
almost senescent. When the laticifer cut its protoplast
tends to become damaged because of the sudden loss of
turgor pressure [17].
The development of a large central vacuole and
formation of dense globules or particles subsequently
released into the vacuole are common ultra structural
feature of laticifer differentiation . Latex particles may
develop in the cytoplasm [18,19] in small vacuoles [20]
in association with rough ER [21] or in golgi
vesicles[22]. These particles originated de novo in the
cytoplasmic matrix, where they remain at maturity, or
may be shifted to the vacuole at some later stage, as in
Calotropis gigantea [13]. Alternatively latex particles
may arise and remain with in the vacuole. The NAL
generally contain latex in to distinct vesicles which are
single membrane bound. The limiting membrane of the
vesicles seems to be derived from tonoplast. The
electron dense latex particles may be derive from
vacuolar sap may accumulate on the vesicles.
The measurement of cyclo artinol, the laticifer
specific terpinol in E.pulcherimma showed that young
leaf contain the highest latex and laticifer starch
contents on the basis of dry weight and leaf area. The
laticifer growth and starch accumulation stops upon
cessation of leaf expansion [23]. The high latex content
in young leaves may provide protection against insect
and animal predation. The starch concentration in
laticifers differs from plant organs and related to the
primary photosynthate site. The latex contains fuel oils,
carbohydrates, organic acids, alkaloids, glycosides etc.
in solution and also various suspended particles,
including terpenes, resins and rubber [16,24]. C28–C30
triterpenes and their esters and various polycyclic
diterpenes and cyclic irritants are found in latex. In
addition to this latex also contains cardiac glycosides
[10]. Alkaloids in Calotropis, cartenolides in latex and
osteoid starch grains present both in vivo and in vitro
[10,11]. Triperpenols and phyto sterols are abundant in
Euphorbia latex. Triterpenoids and their esters
comprise 40% of the latex dry weight in E.pulcherrima
Significantly, the biosynthesis of several
compounds affects development of laticifers in culture.
Attempts to grow laticifers in vitro have had only
limited success [16]. Callus cultures from ovary and
shoot tip explant were used for laticifer differentiation
in C. gigantea. MS medium with auxins such as IAA,
IBA, NAA, Cytokinin Such as Kinetin, BAP and other
growth regulators including adenin sulphate (ads) alone
or in combination (at a range of concentration) was
used for callus cultures and development of laticifers
[10,11]. The largest number of the NAL of Calotropis
was obtained after 160 d of culture on media containing
1 mg/L IAA. Observations with Calotropis callus show
a close relationship between the phytohormone-induced
initiation of laticifers and the age of the culture [11].
The walls of laticifers thicken, except at the extreme
tips [16] and wavy at maturity in vivo and in vitro.
Mass clonal propagation of important laticiferous
plants has been performed in India.
The non articulated laticifer (NAL) confined to a
few families are assumed to be of recent phylogenetic
origin [12].
The grant of Department of Biotechnology Govt of
India Project to Professor Ashwani Kumar is gratefully
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2nd World Conference on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 10-14 May 2004, Rome, Italy