
Gerrymandering Fixed Politics, Surely It Can Fix Organ Transplant Allocation Too

Using the same kind of mathematical formulas used to draw political redistricting maps, Johns Hopkins researchers say they have developed a model that would allow for the more equitable allocation of livers from deceased donors for transplantation. They c ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 11 2013 - 4:20pm

Locality Links Game Theory And Quantum Physics

Game theory is used today in a wide range of areas such as economics, social sciences, biology and philosophy, gives a mathematical framework for describing a situation of conflict or cooperation between intelligent rational players.   The central goal is ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 12 2013 - 12:17pm

Ergodic Theorem: Statistical Mechanics Demonstrated By Protein Molecules

University of California- Davis biochemists have shown for the first time that the ergodic theorem can be demonstrated by a collection of individual protein molecules; specifically, a protein that unwinds DNA. ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 15 2013 - 2:30pm

Turbulent Superfluids Are So Contrarian

Much like a superconductor loses no energy to resistance, a superfluid moves like a completely frictionless liquid, able to propel itself without any hindrance from gravity or surface tension. The physics underlying these materials, which appear to defy t ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 25 2013 - 9:50pm

Mathematicians Tackle Gun Control

There is a heated national debate about gun control. Two mathematicians have designed parameters they say can help best prevent both one-on-one killings and mass shootings in the United States. Their findings, that properly-enforced gun laws will help, ar ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 26 2013 - 6:23pm

Predicting A Woman's Risk Of Ovarian And Other Cancers

A statistical model based on risk factors says it can predict the probability (absolute risk) of a woman developing breast, ovarian, and endometrial (womb) cancer using easily obtainable information on known risk factors for these cancers. ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 30 2013 - 6:00pm

Kevin Hays Sets New Rubik's Cube Record

Kevin Hays, 19, of Renton, Washington, is studying math, in Arts  &  Sciences, and computer science at Washington University in St. Louis- and now he has a new world record in the Rubik's Cube, taking the top spot from... himself. Hays solved the ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 17 2013 - 10:13pm

A Nonlinear Model Of Aircraft Landing Gear Shimmy Oscillations

It's best not to think too much about this before your next flight but, even while on the ground,aircraft landing gear can have shimmy oscillations during taxiing, takeoff, and landing. ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 20 2013 - 11:54am

Fish Movement Gets A State-Space Model

Tracking a fish is not as easy as you might think. The radio signals that are the backbone of traditional GPS cannot pass through seawater. But sound travels remarkably well and scientists often use acoustic telemetry to estimate an individual fish’s loca ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 24 2013 - 12:44pm

Math Takes On The Baseball Playoffs

NJIT math professor Bruce Bukiet wrote an article here on his Markov process predictions for the baseball playoffs. That wasn't something new, he is in his 13th season of doing just that, often to maddening success. How did he do this time?  The Pirat ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Oct 12 2013 - 11:28am