The Most Promising Antioxidant You Never Heard Of

The Most Promising Antioxidant You Never Heard Of - unlike organic food, antioxidants are starting to show they might have value. Not the nonsense supplements some groups sell, that are just unvalidated Vitamin E pills or whatever, but things that actually help mitochondria.

I liken it to solar power. Solar power today is a lot of subsidized hype, just like antioxidants were in the 1980s, but as time goes on and the science and engineering improve, solar power will be the energy source of the future. 30 years after hype and charlatans took over antioxidants, solid work is being done with targeted antioxidants that actually do something.

I also wrote about a targeted molecule in Wired and in 2015 the NIH is beginning a study.

The articles I wrote on mitochondria were quietly well-liked enough ( based on traffic, two more would have made this list) that I began working on a book.