Systems Biology Post-Docs May Have A New Best Friend In...Philip Morris?

Systems Biology Post-Docs May Have A New Best Friend In...Philip Morris? - Philip Morris, most famous for cigarettes, could cure cancer and there is a billion-dollar industry that needs to make sure they get money to criticize cigarettes again next year, so a cigrarette company will get no credit from them or the politically correct contingent that doesn't want to look like they like corporations - unless BuzzFeed hires a science journalist, or a job in government opens, and then people who claim they prize independence throw all that out the window.
A cigarette company created a process verification and methodology tool for systems biology, and charged nothing. Cynics will insist they somehow will make money at it, but that is just talk by people who have no clue how business works. Sometimes an internal person convinces a manager to lose a lot of money for public good and there is no secret profit motive.