MADRID, October 22, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- The Spanish Bioindustry Association (ASEBIO) and the Navarre Society of Development (Sodena), under the Government of Navarre, celebrated BioSpain 2010 in Pamplona, from September 29th to October 1st where attendance was over 1.400 participants.

This event hosted about 2.200 business meetings, through the partnering system, among 700 companies, of which 21.5% came from other countries. This percentage corresponds to 150 foreign companies and institutions that have decided to come to Spain seeking new business opportunities in the biotechnology industry. This represents a 55% increase in the number of attendees as compared to BioSpain 2008. This data turns BioSpain into the most important event organized by a Southern European country in this sector. Official sponsors included important companies such as Merck, Zeltia, AB BIOTICS, Genetrix, Genoma Espana, Caja Navarra and the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX).

This year, BioSpain 2010 had 132 stands at the fair, a 15% increase as compared to the previous edition. These were taken by 160 companies, of which 24% came from other countries (38), highlighting its international character as the most important feature of the event. The main countries, represented by their number of participants, were: France, UK, United States, Germany, Canada, Italy, Israel, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark and Mexico.

On September 30th, BioSpain 2010 was honoured with the presence of the Science and Innovation Minister, Cristina Garmendia. The Minister visited the entire trade fair and also Tu Casa Biotech, a travelling exposition of ASEBIO that was held under a tent in the Plaza del Baluarte, in Pamplona, from September 24th to October 3rd.

In the Investment Forum, five projects were chosen out of 30, from Allerayde UK, Araclon Biotech, Laboratorios Alpha SIP, TCD Pharma and Vivia Biotech, who attended the European Venture Summit in December to compete with 145 European projects selected in other similar events organized by Europe Unlimited.

As in earlier editions, the scientific program of BioSpain 2010 was led by the Spanish Society of Biotechnology (SEBIOT) under BIOTEC 2010. This society chose Carmen Vela as the new President of SEBIOT, taking the place of Jose Luis Garcia.

The sixth edition of BioSpain will be held in 2012, as it is a biennial event. The venue will be announced in upcoming months.

Lucia Cecilia Mercado Communications Manager at ASEBIO Tel.: +34-91-210-93-74 Mobile: +34-663 117 293

SOURCE: Asebio

CONTACT: Lucia Cecilia Mercado, Communications Manager at ASEBIO, Tel.:+34-91-210-93-74, Mobile: +34-663 117 293,