CAMBRIDGE, England and SAN FRANCISCO, March 1, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Autonomy Corporation plc , a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise, today announced it has been awarded a place to provide Digital Archiving Solutions through Lot 7 of the recently-launched framework agreement for Digital Continuity by Buying Solutions, the national procurement partner for all UK public services. Buying Solutions aims to facilitate public sector buying processes by maintaining a shortlist of proven suppliers and their products and services, and is part of the Cabinet Office's Efficiency and Reform Group.
This agreement certifies Autonomy as a key partner in enabling e-government and helping to maximize value for government departments and across the wider public sector through efficient procurement.
Autonomy successfully responded to a competitive tender process for Digital Archiving Solutions. A key factor in the selection was Autonomy's unique meaning-based technology, which automatically recognizes concepts and patterns across all data types, languages and repositories. Additionally, the Autonomy Consolidated Archive (ACA), which provides a single platform for Enterprise Digital Information Capture, Records Management and Digital Archive and Preservation, ensures security, reliability, and compliance.
Based on Autonomy's cornerstone technology, IDOL (Intelligent Data Operating Layer), the Autonomy Consolidated Archive not only ensures regulatory compliance with both national and EU legislation, but enables government entities to control and access structured, semi-structured and unstructured content on a single, centrally-managed system. In order to ensure appropriate preservation and disposal management, the solution also offers transparent collaboration, version control, retention management and automated workflow processes, as well as the ability to retrieve contents easily and intuitively, based on the concepts found within all archived content.
"This agreement demonstrates Autonomy's long-term commitment to the UK government in the drive for increased efficiency and economic streamlining in the public sector," said Glenn Perachio, VP Autonomy Protect solutions EMEA. "The Buying Solutions framework agreement for Digital Continuity represents true innovation for the government, allowing public sector organizations at all levels access to an effective programme to support the procurement and deployment of our award-winning records management solutions. We look forward to collaborating with organizations across the public sector to help them reduce costs, improve efficiency and stay agile in the years ahead."