Philosophy & Ethics
- Essays On Emergence Part IV
The previous three installments of this series have covered Robert Batterman’s idea that the concept of emergence can be made more precise by the fact that emergent phenomena such as phase transitions can be described by models that include mathematical si ...
Article - Massimo Pigliucci - Nov 2 2012 - 5:30am
- Consciousness And The Internet
Here is an interesting statistic: if we multiply the (approximate) number of computers currently present on planet Earth by the (approximate) number of transistors contained in those computers we get 10^18, which is three orders of magnitude larger than th ...
Article - Massimo Pigliucci - Nov 9 2012 - 10:58am
- A Better Way To Do “Studies", Perhaps
This semester I’ve been running a graduate level seminar at the City University of New York, on the difference between philosophy of science and science studies. The latter is a broad and somewhat vaguely defined term that includes (certain kinds of) socio ...
Article - Massimo Pigliucci - Nov 25 2012 - 9:33pm
- Muddled Ethics: Why Death Pathways Are Okay But Cognitive Enhancers Are Bad
The current raging ethical debate in western health care is not how to save lives but how to end them. The controversial Liverpool Care Pathway in the UK, for example, where health care is nationalized, is really a death pathway. Unfortunately, half of th ...
Article - News Staff - Dec 24 2012 - 8:00pm
- New-Year Resolution: Should I Kill Myself In 2013
Guilty feeling Germans doubting all, asking the profound and not accepting the silly answers, starting out thinking that science, physics is important. Muhō decided to live as a homeless monk in a park in central Osaka in 2001. Since then he sits, in o ...
Article - Sascha Vongehr - May 29 2014 - 3:30am
- LessWrong On Morality And Logic
There has been a debate on morality brewing of late over at LessWrong. As readers of this blog know, I am not particularly sympathetic to that outlet (despite the fact that two of my collaborators here are either fans or even involved in major ways with t ...
Article - Massimo Pigliucci - Jan 8 2013 - 6:00am
- Most Overrated Philosopher Of The 20th Century
There is currently a Twitter survey going on to establish a list of favorite philosophers of all time, organized by Oxford University Press. I don’t know the results yet, but my entries would have to be David Hume (1st prize), Aristotle (2nd) and Bertrand ...
Article - Massimo Pigliucci - Jan 16 2013 - 6:32am
- Heaviness: Euthanasia For Expediency
It's all over the internet now, the story of the twin brothers in Belgium who were deaf and going blind and decided not to kill themselves in a joint suicide, but instead to seek legal euthanasia. According to the Daily Mail, they spent two years se ...
Blog Post - Kim Wombles - Jan 16 2013 - 10:12am
- Novel Colors Against Physicalism
Light which triggers predominantly the so called L-cones, which are photoreceptors for long (L) wavelengths, trigger us to experience red color. In this sense, some people hold the color red to be physical and “out there” in “reality”. ...
Article - Sascha Vongehr - Apr 16 2013 - 11:38am
- Maybe Moral Relativism Can Make Way For Moral Realism
No one thinks much about morality these days, besides it being a personal metric. Once postmodernists and moral relativists took over philosophy, it became overrun with amateur ponderings. Now it has social psychologists seeking to bring back some objecti ...
Article - News Staff - Jan 29 2013 - 12:34pm