Christina Znidarsic
About Christina
Currently spending her days as a graduate student at Cleveland State University, acquiring (among other things such as a caffeine addiction) a masters in Environmental Science. Christina graduated from the College of William and Mary with a BS in Geology and still holds a deep abiding love of Alleghanian-age granitoid plutons. Her current work focuses on analysis of anthropogenically-driven alterations to lacustrine freshwater ecosystems using algae as paleo-ecological indicators. She spends a lot of time with mud and microscopes. In addition to algal research, she also processes old aerial photographs of her watershed study area into classified images to determine quantitative land-use changes over time.
She reads a lot of books in her spare time, and other interests include archaeology, anthropology, history, social psychology, cooking, biking, spoiling her pet cat like the fuzzy-knickered whisker princess that she is, and typing in the third person.
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