Laurence Arnold
About Laurence
My primary field is in educational perspectives of autism, which is informed by a multidisciplinary approach, drawing from cognitive psychology and neuroscience on the one hand to cultural and disability studies on the other.
I am a well known contributor to the controversies surrounding autism, both in the "blogosphere" and in off line advocacy. In addition to having a diagnosis on the autistic spectrum, I have for the last 6 years been a trustee of a major autism charity.
My publications include a DVD "Whichever way you look at it, it's still autism" as well as having made several presentations around the same subject.
I am currently undertaking doctoral research at the Autism Centre for Educational Research, University of Birmingham
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Laurence's Articles
This is a list of the latest articles and blog entries that Laurence has written.
Participatory And Emancipatory Autism Research: What’s The Problem?A Campaign to end Discrimination in Human FertilisationGenetics, Eugenics and Autism. It is not too late for action. (reprint)The Autism Speaks Brain Bank, part 2.What you don't know can't hurt you, brain tissue donation.
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