Robert DeMelo
About Robert
An independent researcher, amongst other things. He has been actively pursuing the study and research of physics. Professionally he has a background in engineering and has worked in technology over many years developing systems for multiple industries. His interests of study include science (physics, cosmology), technology, philosophy, psychology and ancient prehistoric history.
Click here for my version of what Science 2.0 means
Perhaps unintuitively, some, if not most, people like rules (traditions for example) and can become upset when others don't follow those rules, like when someone cuts in line. In turn, others can feel uneasy when someone's actions are not defined within any particular rule and is unknown. We live in a world with many rules. Some rules are indoctrinated into our legal systems and many others are not. Rules are a human invention to maintain order in the midst of what otherwise would appear to be chaos. Perhaps the most significant thing about rules are that many are based on assumptions and inadvertently they become a norm, if given enough time, yet are still based on assumptions. This is why change happens because obviously assumptions can be flawed. Change requires that old rules be augmented or abandoned which can be perceived as breaking the rules giving many a feeling of unease. Therefore change is usually resisted by some. The Internet has ushered in a new form of communication, outside of traditional mediums, and many are struggling to accept or understand the full impact of this colossal change in the way we communicate.
Click here for my version of what Science 2.0 means
Perhaps unintuitively, some, if not most, people like rules (traditions for example) and can become upset when others don't follow those rules, like when someone cuts in line. In turn, others can feel uneasy when someone's actions are not defined within any particular rule and is unknown. We live in a world with many rules. Some rules are indoctrinated into our legal systems and many others are not. Rules are a human invention to maintain order in the midst of what otherwise would appear to be chaos. Perhaps the most significant thing about rules are that many are based on assumptions and inadvertently they become a norm, if given enough time, yet are still based on assumptions. This is why change happens because obviously assumptions can be flawed. Change requires that old rules be augmented or abandoned which can be perceived as breaking the rules giving many a feeling of unease. Therefore change is usually resisted by some. The Internet has ushered in a new form of communication, outside of traditional mediums, and many are struggling to accept or understand the full impact of this colossal change in the way we communicate.
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Star Systems are Atoms?
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