What are the sectors of employment for a physics graduate? How do you get a job in keeping with your studies/interests?The site has a two-pronged offer centered on the subject above. The posts about particle physics and related subjects (available also in Spanish) are courtesy Martin Gonzalez Alonso, to whom I am forever indebted for calling me out to Valencia for a seminar last year, which enabled me to enjoy the most wonderful food I think I have ever tried, ever. That was in a restaurant in the hills around Valencia... I do not even remember the name, but if I pass at less than 200 km from there I will surely get back there with a good appetite. But I am divagating.
This blog tries to answer these main questions, by sharing the life experiences of physicists that already entered the work market, in a private company, in the public sector or in an academic position. Discover a whole range of opportunities and share your story with others who are likewise wondering what to do with their career!
I hope Martin will keep up wtih his plan of making the site a good reference point for physicists who are looking for a job, or who wonder how the job market is like for PhD graduates. And do not forget to check the other contributions from a radiophysicist in a hospital, which are also available in French and Italian!