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Holiday Chess Riddle

During Christmas holidays I tend to indulge in online chess playing a bit too much, wasting several...

Why Measure The Top Quark Production Cross Section?

As part of my self-celebrations for XX years of blogging activities, I am reposting here (very)...

The Buried Lottery

As part of my self-celebrations for having survived 20 years of blogging (the anniversary was a...

Twenty Years Blogging

Twenty years ago today I got access for the first time to the interface that allowed me to publish...

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Tommaso DorigoRSS Feed of this column.

Tommaso Dorigo is an experimental particle physicist, who works for the INFN at the University of Padova, and collaborates with the CMS and the SWGO experiments. He is the president of the Read More »

The results of the LUX experiment are out - and they are negative: no dark matter signal has been spotted by the extra sensitive detector. This is a normal day for you and me, but a gloomy day for those that counted on the neutralino to be the first supersymmetric particle to show up and redeem decades of claims.
Do you remember the dijet bump at 140 GeV that CDF published in March 2011 ? This was a surprising excess in the mass distribution of pairs of jets found in events containing a leptonic W boson decay.
Just a quick link today, to acknowledge an interesting report on the life of physics students in Greece and the present situation with Universities there. And of course, if you wish to practice your Greek, there are more articles there, translated for us by Yiannis Michaloliakos.
"The question is not whether these boards will catch fire or not. The question is when they will".

(Said by Fermilab electronics experts who were members of a review panel that provided advice on the construction of a prototype of fast-tracker hardware boards that had been designed for CDF for Run I. The boards were meant to process online data from the CDF tracker at trigger level 2. The boards were redesigned and eventually worked very reliably (no fires!)).

Yesterday evening I chanced to attend, invited by a friend, the opening of the 2013-2014 academic year of the university of Venice "Ca' Foscari", which was held at the Malibran theater. It was the first time I attended one such event, since technically (and practically) I am not an academic, but a researcher at the INFN, the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics. I do occasionally teach university courses (I just took a break from doing so after 5 years of teaching a course of subnuclear physics for 5th year undergraduates); but I do that for the university of Padova, not Venice - my office is at the department of physics of the university of Padova. Besides, Venice does not have a course of laurea in Physics.

Please note: spoiler information in this article!

The recent movie "Gravity", featuring the two hollywood stars George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, is a very interesting experiment in film-making.

I can hardly recall other movies with just two characters, so this must clearly be a rare occurrence and one which shows that the movie treads in largely unexplored territory. Can people be entertained by one-man shows ? Well, yes, if the story is an extraordinary one. Tom Hanks does excellently in "Cast Away", for instance. "Gravity" is similar in the use of the loneliness of the protagonist and the large odds against her survival. But it is more radical in the total absence of other human figures, except Clooney of course.